Living It Out This Week
February 9-15, 2025

How we view God will determine how we view the world. As you read these passages focus on what we learn about who God is and not so much about who we are. The world is not about us but needs to be about our Creator!

Sunday-Genesis 3.1-24: Make a list of the attributes of God as you read through this passage again. Anything stick out to you? What questions do you have about God because of this passage? Spend some time praying for wisdom.

Monday-Romans 1.18-32: As you notice the list of “sins” in verse 28-32 what comes to mind? What started in the garden of Eden has come to fulfillment in this passage. One choice changes the future.

Tuesday-Romans 3.21-31: What do you notice about God/Jesus in this passage? How does knowing this help us reach out to others? Spend some moments thinking of God’s grace.

Wednesday-Romans 6.1-14: The result of being given grace will create transformation. The goal is not grace but to be like Jesus. Sing hampers our ability to be like Christ but the grace of Jesus empowers us to live freely for Him.

Thursday-1 John 1.5-2.2: The faithfulness of Christ empowers us to be forgiven. We are not alone in our sin and predicament but have someone guiding us. Listen to Jesus!

Friday-Genesis 4.1-26: As the “firsts” continue what is the issue in this passage? How are you like Cain or Abel? What word do you need to hear from Jesus?

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 26-February 1, 2025

Life is a journey and we are all on it. Sometimes the journey is easy and other times we will walk in darkness. Scripture is the light which guides us on this path of being disciples of Jesus. May you let Scripture guide you always!

Sunday-Psalm 119.105-112: What part of the path are you on? Is it daytime or night? Scripture will help you stay on the right path each day. Pray for discipline to read Scripture.

Monday-Psalm 119.81-88: Objects of hope are what we turn to on a consistent basis. When did you need hope last? As you read Scripture let the seeds of hope be planted in you. Pray for those who need hope!

Tuesday-Psalm 119.89-96: Eternal. Interesting word for us to contemplate and meditate on. God and His Word are eternal. How does that give confidence in our faith? What about this passage sticks out to you?

Wednesday-Psalm 119.97-104: What comes to mind when you think of meditation? True meditation is not just emptying our minds but filling it specifically with something to “chew” on. What will you meditate on this week?

Thursday-Matthew 5.17-20: All Scripture will be fulfilled. The Word of God will stand the test of time and all who build their life on it may know it is a firm foundation. Pray for guidance on how to read Scripture.

Friday-Matthew 5.1-12: Which of these attitude statements is hardest for you? Which one is the easiest? Pray for wisdom, courage, and the power to do what Jesus asks.

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 19-25, 2025

All means…ALL! We must never get in the habit of excluding one part of Scripture over another. We must learn to interpret Scripture with Scripture so as to grow in our faith. Jesus has good plans for us but we must walk in them.

Sunday-2 Timothy 3.14-17: Notice what the purpose of Scripture is for a person? What will you do to live out Scripture. Pray for an open heart to allow the Bible to complete it’s work in us.

Monday-2 Peter 3.14-17: Peter puts the words of Paul on the same level as the rest of Scripture. We do not have just “words” from people claiming to be good but the very breath of God in our hands.

Tuesday-2 Peter 1.19-21: What are the similarities in this passage and Paul’s words in 2 Timothy? How does this help elevate your view of Scripture? Pray for an open heart!

Wednesday-Ezekiel 2.1-3.15: Ezekiel was told to eat the scroll containing God’s Word to His people. He was then commanded to speak what he ate. We too, must remember we share the Words of Jesus and not our thoughts. We submit to what God says and not our heart.

Thursday-Psalm 119.97-104: How do you eat something? How does this help us inform how we interact with Scripture? Spend some time today eating slowly the Word of God in order for it to digest fully.

Friday-Psalm 119.105-112: Scripture and our relationships with Jesus will inform and light up the path of God. He is the light of the World, we can trust his path!

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 12-18, 2025

The Word. Scripture. The Bible. Words of Life. All are names for the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Yet, these are not just words on a page to read but a person to know, follow, be loved by and to love. May as we start 2025, we be in the Word.

Sunday-John 1.1-8: As you read part of our passage what sticks out about the Word and who He is? Notice the role of light and spend some time praying for light.

Monday-John 1.9-18: The words of Jesus are the words of God. The Bible is the words of God and thus we should see Scripture through the lens of Christ. Pray for eyes to see.

Tuesday-Matthew 7.24-27: We can hear and read the Bible all we want but until it is lived the power to transform is limited. We must do the Word of God! Pray for feet willing to move.

Wednesday-Genesis 1.1-27: The power of the Word in the very beginning is the same as when we read Scripture. Where is there chaos, darkness, and no life? This is where we seek the Bible’s power.

Thursday-Exodus 3.13-15: The name God gave Moses is “I Am”! The name of Jesus in the Gospel of John uses is “I Am”; they are one and the same. The Word is the I Am of God!

Friday-2 Timothy 3.16-17: ALL Scripture is helpful. We must have a steady diet of all of the Bible to be Jesus’ disciples. What role does Scripture play in your life?

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 22 -28, 2024

Greatness is contagious. Our world wants it and desires to show others who is truly great. Yet, does the standard of the world match God’s standard? May these verses help you see greatness as God does.

Sunday-Matthew 2.1-18:
A tale of two kings: one thought they were great; the other truly was. What traits of Herod are seen in life? How can we be more like Jesus?

Monday-Matthew 1.1-17: Jesus comes from a long line of individuals, some known and some unknown. Which names surprise you in this list? Biblical greatness stems from faithfulness.

Tuesday-Luke 2.1-21: The Christmas story is finally here! Read and reflect on how this can make greatness possible. Pray to God for wisdom.

Wednesday-John 1.1-18: The greatness of Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas. He became like one of us so that we can be like Him. Greatness is being “in Christ” and learning to live as He is. What about these verses sticks out to you? Spend some time praying for grace and truth.

Thursday-Philippians 2.5-11: Greatness comes from thinking of others needs above our own. Greatness is found in humility and service to others for the common good. Pray for opportunities to serve others.

Friday-Matthew 20.20-28: Sometimes we want to compare our status with someone else; this rarely goes well. Notice the request of the mother comes from a pure heart maybe but lacks the wisdom. Notice Jesus points us back to truth!

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 15-21, 2024

Joy helps bring flavor to life. Joy is necessary for the believer but is hard to be present to. May these verses help you see joy as we come to Christmas. May the joy from the Lord give you strength and hope this week.

Sunday-Luke 2.1-21: Name all the characters who experience joy in this passage? What type of joy does each have? Why? Compare your experience with theirs. Pray for joy!

Monday-Luke 1.39-45: Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and we have another experience of joy. What role do we have in helping others experience joy? Pray for our community!

Tuesday-Luke 1.46-56: Joy is not meant to be kept to ourselves but shared with others. Notice where Mary’s joy comes from—the Lord himself! If you would write a “song” for God what would you include?

Wednesday-Matthew 6.19-24: We find the things we are looking for. We treasure the things which are closest to our hearts. How would life be different in the virtues of Advent were held closer to our hearts: hope, peace, joy, and love? Reflect on this alongside the passage about treasure and let the Holy Spirit speak. Pray for an open heart!

Thursday-Matthew 2.1-12: Visitors can bring stress, anxiety and yes joy. What do you notice in this passage about the consequence of joy, or the consequences of the lack of joy?

Friday-Luke 1.26-38: Mary receives the word from the messenger of God. This passage has many promises in it, what can you find? Pray for God’s Word to be fulfilled.

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 8-14, 2024

Advent is the season before the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It is a reminder that Jesus came once and has promised to come again. May these verses help you have hope on the journey of Advent 2024

Sunday-Malachi 3.16.-4.6: The day of the Lord is important as it brings all things to light. Notice how light can be good and bad. Pray for the healing aspect of light in your life!

Monday-Luke 1.68-79: Notice the allusions to Malachi in Zechariah’s prayer. God is working in His world to bring people to the path of peace. Pray you walk in peace!

Tuesday-Isaiah 60.1-9: The Lord acts in a way to bring out his people from darkness and into glorious light. How has Jesus shined in your life this month? Where do you see the light of Jesus among your community? Pray for the light of Jesus to shine bright!

Wednesday-Psalm 119.105-112: We cannot expect to walk in the light of Jesus if we do not know Scripture. Scripture exists to guide our steps and help us be on the path of peace, love, hope, joy and Christ. Spend some time reading the Bible today!

Thursday-1 Corinthians 3.10-15: All we do for the Lord will be revealed and purified, or burnt up, in the refiners fire. God will want to test the quality of our work to reward justly. Pray for wisdom so we can build with good things.

Friday-Matthew 1.18-25: Joseph heard the message from Mary but needed a reminder of who God is, as well. He wanted to both honor God and Mary. Pray for wisdom!

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 1-7, 2024

Advent is the season before the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It is a reminder that Jesus came once and has promised to come again. May these verses help you have hope on the journey of Advent 2024

Sunday-Isaiah 35.1-10: Where can you find hope in these verses? How will you use these verses to give away hope this Advent season? Pray asking God to give you hope!

Monday-Ezekiel 18.21-32: The hope we have is because we are responsible for our actions. God deals with each us individually and collectively. Notice the hope for the lost in these verses? Pray the eyes of the lost would be open!

Tuesday-John 1.1-14: The coming of Jesus ushered in a new time of God working in His creation. Notice the words of Jesus in this passage; what do they say about Jesus? Pray for the glory of God to shine!

Wednesday-Matthew 11.1-6: John had some doubts but Jesus in part quotes the text from Isaiah to show who he is. How would this give John the Baptist hope? Pray for those who need hope!

Thursday-Matthew 11.25-30: Jesus is the only way to God. The path is found only in Him and this is a the good way. The invitation stands for all to come. Spend some time in prayer today!

Friday-Malachi 4.1-6: The final words of the Old Testament point us forward to the days of Elijah and God’s healing touch. Pray for the second coming of Jesus!

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 24-30, 2024

Promises made, promised kept. We live in the midst of the promises of this “new covenant”, and we must live them out. What promises are important to you? May these passages help you grow in hope!

Sunday-Jeremiah 31.27-40: Of all the things said in this passage what strikes you most? How could the promises of God transform how you live?

Monday-Hebrews 10.1-18: There is forgiveness found in Jesus because of the New Covenant. He is the one who completed the final sacrifice. In him, God chooses to ‘forget’ our sins. Thank Jesus for forgiveness. Pray for forgiveness!

Tuesday-Hebrews 8.1-13: The writer of Hebrews quotes Jeremiah to make a point, what is it? The old points to the new and we must be people who see the real thing. Pray to see reality as it is, not as you want it to be!

Wednesday-2 Corinthians 3.2-6: What makes someone competent? How does living look different than existing? As a believer we are to live life as Christ gives it. Pray for life!

Thursday-2 Corinthians 3.7-18: Hope produces freedom. Freedom produces boldness. Boldness leads to seeing. Seeing leads to believing. We need to speak boldly with grace and hope to those who have yet to see Jesus.

Friday-Matthew 1.18-23: The hope of Jeremiah was born to a family from the line of David. The hope of the new covenant is here, but the word is yet to be fully completed. Pray for eyes to see hope!

Saturday-John 1.14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 17-23, 2024

What does rock bottom look like? The reality for each person it will be different. Yet, it is when we are finally willing to look up the hope of Christ can bring us into new life. May these verses help you stay focused on Jesus.

Sunday-Jeremiah 30.1-24: What does rock bottom look like in these verses? Where is the hope of the Lord in these verses? May you have hope in Jesus this week!

Monday-Jeremiah 31.1-22: A mixture of reminder of God’s unfailing love and the desires of the nation to go their own way. How has Jesus loved you recently? Pray for the love of Jesus to pour out on His church!

Tuesday-Hebrews 13.1-8: A passage of hope because of who Jesus is. What are your favorite qualities of Jesus which gives you hope? Pray for eyes and heart to see Jesus.

Wednesday-Matthew 26.17-29: Jeremiah predicted a new covenant was to come. Jesus instituted it with his death and resurrection. How will you live in forgiveness this week?

Thursday-Matthew 6.9-13: How does this prayer help us live in the Kingdom of Jesus? What parts of the prayer are hardest for you to live out? Jesus’ new covenant is not easy, but we are reminded of who our Father is when we pray. Spend some moments in prayer today!

Friday-Jeremiah 32.17-25: A prayer of Jeremiah as destruction looms because of the sin of the nation. Prayer of hope and declaration. Pray a prayer thanking God for His word!

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 10-16, 2024

Peace, prosperity, planning, patience, praying, perseverance, and any other “p” word is helpful but sometimes very hard to live out. Jeremiah is encouraging us to do just that as we seek the Shalom of God. The all-encompassing presence of Him.

Sunday-Jeremiah 29.1-23: As you reflect on the words of Jeremiah and our message; what comes to mind? What part of God’s Shalom do you need? Pray for your town/city!

Monday-1 Peter 2.11-17: We must remember where our true home is; heaven. Yet, how we live on earth will determine who much Shalom we experience. Pray for perseverance to live like Jesus!

Tuesday-Matthew 5.43-48: This is an New Testament equivalent to what Jeremiah was instructing the people. We are called to pray for those we do not like and could be considered our “enemies”.

Wednesday-Amos 5.4-17: Another passage concerning the Shalom of God. What do you see which helps describe God’s shalom? Pray for strength to seek the living God!

Thursday-Isaiah 48.17-22: Shalom like a river and waves on the ocean. What a glorious thought, if you ask me. Redemption of God is a wonderful thing. How have you been redeemed? Pray for those who need redeemed by the hands of Jesus!

Friday-Jeremiah 30.18-24: Oh how good it is to see the Lord restore His people! What does restoration look like to you? Pray a prayer of thanksgiving today!

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 3-9, 2024

Times can be rough. We sometimes do not see what God has in store for us but only the trouble right in front of us. May these passages help you see the promise of God for what He will do in the future.

Sunday-Jeremiah 24.1-10: Good fruit and bad fruit. Yet, maybe we should see the fruit and what it represents as acts of God’s grace. God’s grace protects, sustains, and gives a future.

Monday-Philippians 1.3-6: What is Paul’s confidence? How do you see God changing you to be more like him? Pray for a heart that longs for Jesus!

Tuesday-Philippians 2.12-18: God is working in us, but we are to continue to work out the grace He has given us in salvation. What does this look like for you? Pray for feet ready to move at Jesus’ command!

Wednesday-Romans 3.21-26: Jesus is justifying those who come to faith in Him, by grace alone through faith alone because of the Word of God alone. Give thanks for Jesus providing a way!

Thursday-Matthew 26.17-30: What is the promise(s) in this passage? What future act can we look forward to in Christ? How are you bringing God’s kingdom on earth as it already is in heaven? Pray for God’s kingdom to be made known!

Friday-Jeremiah 29.1-23: Some famous words in this passage but what is the context? How can this help inform how we live in today’s world?

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 27-November 2, 2024

A foundational question of life is: “who is in charge of it?” Our answer is seen not in words spoken but in life lived. As followers of Jesus, we submit to his word and voice. He is in charge! May these devotions help you hear Jesus!

Sunday-Jeremiah 18.1-17: A great parable being lived out for the nation of Israel and us. What sticks out from these verses? What steps will you take to be usable clay for Jesus?

Monday-Jeremiah 18.18-23: Jeremiah once again prays for his enemies. He is praying not for vindication but a just sentence. Who are those in your life who may be called “enemies”? How will you pray for them?

Tuesday-Jeremiah 19.1-15: How does this passage continue the theme of chapter 18? What picture of God do we get from this passage? Pray for God’s people to be open to His word and willing to repent and change.

Wednesday-Romans 9.6-18: God’s sovereignty is an important concept to understand. How do these verses reveal this important belief? Thank God for His sovereign control.

Thursday-Romans 9.19-10.4: Notice God’s sovereignty does not negate human responsibility. Also observe because of God’s sovereignty Paul is praying and working to save the lost. How can this motivate you?

Friday-Isaiah 64.8-12: A prayer of repentance mimicking what Jeremiah has stated in chapter 18. What a glorious prayer we ought to pray, reminding us who we are and who God is.

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 20-27, 2024

Follow your heart. Trust yourself. Statements which have some truths in but we must be wary of anything which makes us focus on ourselves. We are sinful and need the healing and salvation of Jesus. May this devotion help you be like Jesus this week.

Sunday-Jeremiah 17.5-8: The heart can be very deceitful and we do not truly understand it. This week take time to pray for God to give you knowledge and wisdom.

Monday-Lamentations 3.1-24: Another prayer of Jeremiah during his career as a prophet. What strikes you about his honesty? Do you believe that God can handle your honesty and still give you hope? Cry out to God as needed and wait on Him!

Tuesday-Mark 7.1-23: A reminder of what makes a person truly unclean. How do we try to sanitize Jesus’ words? Pray for a heart that pleases Jesus.

Wednesday-Psalm 51.1-19: A prayer of David after he committed his sins with Bathsheba. What do we learn form this Psalm? Pray the prayer found in verses 10-12.

Thursday-Psalm 23.1-6: A famous prayer of David which provides comfort. How does this prayer helps us understand God and our Christian walk? Who can you pray this prayer for?

Friday-Jeremiah 32.36-44: With God there is always hope. Notice what He is giving His people—a new heart. This is the gift of salvation and becoming like Christ. Thank God for giving us a new heart!

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 13-19, 2024

What do we do when God seems silent? What are your thoughts on Biblical prayer? May these verses help you understand what is Biblical prayer so you can pray Scripture in all times of life.

Sunday-Jeremiah 15.1-23: What aspects of the prayer found in these verses would be helpful to know? How can Jeremiah’s prayer of verses 10, 12-14 be comforting?

Monday-Lamentations 3.1-24: Another prayer of Jeremiah during his career as a prophet. What strikes you about his honesty? Do you believe that God can handle your honesty and still give you hope? Cry out to God as needed and wait on Him!

Tuesday-Matthew 26.36-45: When have you found yourself in a similar situation as Jesus in these verses? What encouragement do you gain from hearing Jesus pray this way?

Wednesday-Matthew 5.9-15: Jesus taught his disciples to pray in this way. How does this compare and contrast with the prayers above? Where do you need to pray this prayer?

Thursday-Psalm 23.1-6: A famous prayer of David which provides comfort. How does this prayer helps us understand God and our Christian walk? Who can you pray this prayer for?

Friday-Jeremiah 17.5-18: What sticks out as you first read this passage? How is God being glorified by what we as a church do each week?

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.
Living It Out This Week
October 6-12, 2024

Why do the wicked seem to live “good” lives? What are we to do when life is hard? Good questions that Jeremiah faced, and Scripture helps answer. May these passages help you run the race of following Jesus faithfully, knowing you are His!

Sunday-Jeremiah 11.1-17: The covenant of Mt. Sinai has been broken; does the nation care? We too have a responsibility to live faithfully and when we don’t God cares. Pray for strength!

Monday-Jeremiah 11.18-12.13: God is not inactive even when we do not see Him. God’s timing is always perfect. How do these verses help us rest on God’s faithfulness and righteousness?

Tuesday-Deuteronomy 27.1-26: The curses of the covenant are reaffirmed by the nation. However, they easily forgot what was spoken. Pray for a good memory!

Wednesday-Deuteronomy 28.1-14: The covenant also stated what God would do if the people obeyed. This is and was an act of grace. Where has God given you grace?

Thursday-Philippians 3.12-14: We can get stuck looking at the past. However, we must remember our call to press on. Spend some time praying about what God is calling you, and us, to do. Let us press forward!

Friday-Jeremiah 13.1-15: As you read these object lessons what sticks out to you? What questions do you have about the words of Jeremiah for today? Pray for insight and for worship on Sunday.

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 29-October 5, 2024

Security is a wonderful thing; as long as it is something which will remain. Our world tries to lull us into false security but Christ alone is our hope for lasting security, love, hope, and joy. May these verses help you be in Christ.

Sunday-Jeremiah 7.1-29: The temple was the object of their security and hope; what is ours? Jeremiah was reminding God’s people how they live matters as much as how they worship. Pray for our worship times to be honoring to God.

Monday-Deuteronomy 6.1-9: As Jeremiah starts to prophesy the book of Deuteronomy was found. What do you notice in this passage? Spend time praying this day!

Tuesday-Deuteronomy 8.1-20: Forgetting is more than not remembering it is a change of behavior. What is the result of forgetting? Notice where pride is starting to grow in you and seek the Lord’s forgiveness.

Wednesday-Matthew 7.24-27: Foundations are important to weather the storms of life. As believers we will still have storms but we can be secure. What storms are you facing this week? How will you live out Jesus’ words?

Thursday-Hebrews 13.1-8: As the sermon of Hebrews comes to a close we get a collection of sayings to encourage. Which one is meaningful to you? How will this help you stay secure in Jesus?

Friday-Jeremiah 12.14-17: Jeremiah complains about what is going on. Can you relate? Notice what God says in response to his complaint. Be reminded of who God/Jesus is and know He is always true!

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 22-28, 2024

“I can do it myself!” Proud words of any child but later in life become a symptom of trouble. We all want independence, but this is not what Christ wants for us. He wants us to be interdependent on others and dependent on Him.

Sunday-Jeremiah 3.1-4.1: Return. Turn back. Stop going to and from and remain faithful. All words/phrases to help us understand the natural inclinations of humanity. But, God’s people are to be different. Pray for faithfulness!

Monday-1 Samuel 15.17-23: The first king, one of the people’s choosing, disobeyed and the prophet Samuel must rebuke. Notice what is said concerning God’s desire. Pray for obedience!

Tuesday-1 Samuel 16.1-13: A new king was to be anointed, but he must wait to come to the throne. Samuel was to be intently listening for God’s choosing. Character on the inside matters!

Wednesday-Luke 15.11-32: God always has room for someone to come home. He is waiting to see how you and I will respond to His grace. Pray for a heart like God’s

Thursday-John 10.1-18: Jesus is our ultimate shepherd and guide. We must listen to His voice. How do you hear Jesus? Prayer, reading Scripture, and being with his people are good starts. Slow down today and spend some time listening to Jesus.

Friday-Jeremiah 4.4: Circumcision was an outward sign of an inward commitment to be God’s people for the Jews! Yet, they and us, need to let our hearts be changed.

Saturday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 15-21, 2024

There are idols all around us! This isn’t meant to be a scary statement but a statement of concern for God’s people. We can easily get sucked into trading Christ our source of life with something that will leave us empty.

Sunday-Jeremiah 2.1-13: Notice how God calls his people different things in these verses. It is easy to slowly fade from what we used to do into another way of life. The ultimate issue is found in verse 13. Pray for living waters!

Monday-2 Kings 22.1-20: Jeremiah starts prophesying during the reign of Josiah. Notice the book of the Law has be found but just knowing truth does not always produce faithfulness. Pray for a good memory!

Tuesday-2 Kings 23.1-30: The alliances spoken in Jeremiah 2 are mentioned in this passage. How do both passages help us understand Jeremiah? Pray for full change of heart!

Wednesday-2 Chronicles 35.20-36.1: When times are distressing we seek the help from others. Notice how Josiah unintentionally puts his death into action. We need wisdom to understand what is best! Pray for wisdom.

Thursday-Jeremiah 2.20-37: Verse 37 is quite the indictment on the sources of help and “hope” the nation of Judah were seeking. We must be careful about who we seek out for help. Pray for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding so that in all ways you may honor the Lord!

Friday-Jeremiah 3.14-18: Hope in the midst of judgment and unfaithfulness. What truths of God do we learn in this passage? Pray for God’s shepherds to lead His people!

Saturday-Matthew 28.16-20: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 8-14, 2024

The world is changing and many of us don’t like it. This is not a bad thing but can leave us grasping for hope. Yet, our hope is found only in Christ. The prophet Jeremiah was familiar with a similar world. May these verses give hope.

Sunday-Jeremiah 1.1-19: The Lord calls Jeremiah for a task in order that others may know the Word of the Lord. Notice the promise found in verses 8 and 19. This promise is also for you this week. Christ is with you!

Monday-2 Peter 1.19-21: Scripture did not come to be because someone thought it was a “good thing”. All Scripture, including the Prophets, exist because God gave them words to speak. How true is this of you?

Tuesday-2 Timothy 3.10-17: All of Scripture exists so we will grow in Christ and be equipped for the word of Christ. Spend some time praying about what Christ is calling you to do.

Wednesday-Isaiah 6.1-13: The call of Isaiah is similar and yet different than Jeremiah; what are the similarities and differences? The goal of the Christian is to fulfill the call of God. May you heart resonate with the heart of Christ.

Thursday-Exodus 3.1-15: We all put up excuses and obstacles for God. He always overcome them! Sometimes it is a simple thing, as in Isaiah’s sin, and others like Moses is more detailed. However, God’s presence is what equips. Where is the presence of God in your life?

Friday-Jeremiah 3.14-18: Hope in the midst of judgment and unfaithfulness. What truths of God do we learn in this passage? Pray for God’s shepherds to lead His people!

Saturday-Matthew 28.16-20: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 1-7, 2024

How well do you listen? Can you hear things others cannot hear? The beauty of Scripture is over and over we are told that “God hears us”. May these verses help you know of God’s love for you and help you hear better.

Sunday-Genesis 21.1-21: Which character in our passage are you most like? How so? Hagar once again meets the angel of the Lord and the truth of God’s care, comfort and hearing become known.  Speak to God for He listens.

Monday-Psalm 18.1-19: Notice the words of David and how they provide hope. In what ways has this Psalm been true in your life? Tell God about your gratefulness.

Tuesday-Psalm 19.1-14: God’s ways are always what is best. We may not always understand this truth, but we must be willing to be patient in waiting. Where is God asking you to be patient?

Wednesday-Romans 10.1-15: All who call on Jesus can be saved! This is a marvelous truth and we must remind ourselves and others salvation is available to anyone and everyone. May your feet bring the Good News of Jesus! Pray for salvation of the lost!

Thursday-1 Peter 5.5-7: Just a few verses but very hard to put into practice. When we humble ourselves and submit to the Lord, we see He truly does care. Cast your anxieties and cares on the One who cares for you!

Friday-Galatians 5.1-6: We have been set free by Christ! Therefore, let us only be slaves to Him and not to sin. Yet, our hope is in the promise to come. Pray for love!

Saturday-Matthew 28.16-20: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 25-31, 2024

The joy of being seen and known. This is extremely important in our world but also a challenge. We learn in Scripture God is actively seeking His people. May these verses help you be seen by God and see God.

Sunday-Genesis 16.1-16: As you interact with our text again, what sticks out to you? How are people either seen or not seen in the chapter? Take comfort that God notices.

Monday-Exodus 3.1-10: A pivotal text for the nation of Israel. However, notice how God is seeing all that is going on prior to speaking to Moses. Pray for others to see God this week.

Tuesday-Exodus 3.11-17: Notice the response of Moses after being seen by God. How are you and I similar? Notice how God assures Moses of His presence. What ways have you noticed God walking with you recently?

Wednesday-Genesis 1.1-2: Familiar verses for many but we must stop and reflect on the implication of these verses. God is the creator of the world; therefore, nothing is impossible for him. God is the creator out of darkness and chaos. Therefore nothing is too dark or to messed up for Him.

Thursday-2 Corinthians 5.16-6.2: We are the messengers Jesus uses to proclaim His word to others. In the OT it was the “angel of the Lord” and today is it God’s people. Pray for wisdom!

Friday-Hebrews 13.20-21: How would you put this blessing/benediction in your own words? What truths does it contain. Now go be Jesus in our world!

Saturday-Matthew 28.16-20: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 4-10, 2024

Our world is full of chaos, pain, troubles and just plain evil. We all long for a better world and sometimes we get glimpses of it on Earth. May these verses help you stay faithful while be alert to the 2nd coming of Jesus

Sunday-Mark Mark 13.1-22; 28-31: Mainly predicting the fall of the Temple, what is important in these verses? How can knowing what was to come encourage the early church?

Monday-Mark 13.23-27; 32-37: These verses deal with Jesus coming again on the clouds. Through all these verses how does Jesus focus our attention on what matters most? The key words include: be alert, keep watch, and watch.

Tuesday-Matthew 25.1-13: Jesus told this parable to help his disciples, and us, know what our job was while waiting for his return. What would you say is our job from this parable? How are you being like the wise virgins?

Wednesday-Matthew 25.14-30: Our master has left this world and given us a task. Notice how each servant was to be busy with the work until the master came home. Each was rewarded for what they did except one. Which one are you?

Thursday-Mark 14.22-26: Jesus spends one last meal with his disciples and teaches them many things. He grounds their hope in a coming day when He is Lord. Yet, he is now Lord because of His sacrifice.

Friday-Joshua 4.1-24: What stones have you gathered in life? How can those stones remind you, and others, of who Jesus is? Prepare to hear the Word on Sunday!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 28-August 3, 2024

The things that matter most for Jesus are that we love God with our whole being and we love others as well. Love is not easy but it is always something we can choose. May these verses help you love well this week.

Sunday-Mark 12.28-34: What continues to stick out to you in this passage? Knowledge of the commands of God is not enough for the Kingdom, we must believe in Jesus the Messiah.

Monday-Mark 12.35-37: Who is the Messiah? Jesus makes a bold claim the Messiah is like David but is greater than David. Jesus is the Messiah and we must be willing to love like Him.

Tuesday-Mark 12.38-44: Two contrasting examples of life and only one who truly is loving God with all their being. What role does sacrifice play in the way you love God and love others?

Wednesday-1 Samuel 15.1-23: Notice the lesson Saul is learning: obedience over religious sacrifice. We to must obey when no one is watching for this is what it means to love God. What is God telling you to do?

Thursday-Luke 10.25-37: Everyone is our neighbor! All that we meet have been made in God’s image and deserve to be treated as Christ would treat them. What role does mercy play in your interactions with others? Pray for mercy!

Friday-Mark 13.1-36: We all want to know how things end and Jesus gives us some hints. Yet, what do you see as the focus He is teaching? Pray for wisdom.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 21-27, 2024

Jesus interacted with all from a posture of grace and truth. He also wisely answered those trying to trap him with a full knowledge of Scripture. May these verses help you grow in the Word and in Wisdom.

Sunday-Mark 12.13-17: What ways does Jesus exhibit wisdom in this interaction? How can this be an example of how we interact with our world? Pray for wisdom

Monday-Mark 12.18-27: Quickly notice what Jesus says and does not say. There is a resurrection! We will not be angels! All of life is transformed. How does Jesus provide hope and comfort to us today?

Tuesday-Acts 4.13-22: Peter and John get in trouble for being on mission for Jesus. Notice their response in verse 19. Where is the Lord calling you to obey? We must always remember who is above all—Jesus!

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 15.1-19: The beginning of a glorious chapter of Scripture. The necessity of the resurrection is what makes our faith viable, necessary and hopeful. What truths does Paul teach you need to hold on to?

Thursday-Mark 12.41-44: Sometimes we think of sacrifice and giving from a very modern place: naming rights and publicity. There is nothing necessarily wrong with this but Jesus gives us a different example. Pray for generosity!

Friday-Mark 12.28-34: What does love look like? If you boiled down your life to a couple statements; what would be your legacy? Pray for worship on Sunday.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 7-13, 2024

The last positive healing in Mark helps us to see clearly again who Jesus is. We are all spiritually blind at times to the reality of who Jesus is. None of us gets it right! May these passages help you be healed of your blindness so you can see Jesus!

Sunday-Mark 10.46-52: Let the question Jesus ask Bartimaeus sit with you this day, “what do you want me to do?” Where are you willing to allow the Lord to do His work?

Monday-Mark 8.22-26: This healing alongside Bartimaeus’ bookend this section on discipleship. What sticks out about this healing for you? How do the two blind healings prepare us to see Jesus more clearly?

Tuesday-Isaiah 42.1-9: The prophet spoke about what Jesus would do when he came. Which attributes of the Messiah in these verses resonate with you today? Come to Jesus and follow Him!

Wednesday-1 Kings 3.1-15: Solomon was asked the same question as Bartimaeus. Notice his answer in this passage. Notice the Lord’s response. Will you trust the Lord with all of you. Pray for wisdom and discernment!

Thursday-Isaiah 42.10-17: The healing in Mark correlates with this passage very well. Where do you need light to see the path ahead? How can this passage help us follow Jesus?

Friday-Mark 11.12-33: Jesus has entered Jerusalem and the cross is looming before Him. What questions do you have as you read this passage? Where do you see wisdom, grace, truth, justice and peace in these verses? Ask God to give you eyes to see Jesus!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
June 30-July 6, 2024

Many things can trip us up in following Jesus. We are pulled in many ways which rarely lead to Jesus. However, we can follow Him. May these passages help you drop everything to follow Jesus this week!

Sunday-Mark 10.17-31: Put yourself in the rich man’s shoes, what do you feel? How has Jesus given you a hard truth to obey recently? Pray for the courage to follow Jesus!

Monday-Mark 10.32-45: Many times, in life we ask for things we do not truly understand what we are asking for. How are we like James and John? How does Jesus love us enough to show us differently? May we have the humility to serve!

Tuesday-Philippians 3.1-14: Notice Paul’s example and think about the change he is advocating for. Notice his prayer in verses 10 & 11. Pray for strength to be faithful.

Wednesday-Philippians 3.15-21: Who can you look at as an example of following Jesus well? Not perfectly but good in many ways. Now, go and live in a way that others may follow you example and see Jesus!

Thursday-Isaiah 53.1-12: How does this passage speak of Jesus? What does this have to do with humbly serving others? Spend time reflecting on how well you use power in its’ proper place. Pray for wisdom to know what is holding you back from following Jesus.

Friday-Mark 10.46-52: What do you want from Jesus? Think about this for a little bit and allow the thoughts and emotions to rise. Notice in these verses the love of Jesus to ask and act upon an honest request.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
June 23-29, 2024

Life is hard. We are influenced in many ways on what we value and how much we value things. Our world is very confusing and confused on values. Yet, Jesus gives grace and truth to help us value things and people as he does.

Sunday-Mark 9.42-50: Jesus does not lower the standard we are trying to reach; He raises the bar. What does Jesus value in these verses? Pray for wisdom to see Jesus this week!

Monday-Mark 10.1-16: In our throw away culture Jesus’ statements in these verses are challenging. In what ways does Jesus have a high value for marriage and children in these verses? Pray we would value people like Jesus does.

Tuesday-John 4.1-38: Jesus interacts with us with grace and truth. His desire was to do the will of God. How does this compare with what we do and our desires? Pray for grace!

Wednesday-John 8.1-11: How does Jesus interact with the woman caught sinning? How similar is this to how we as Christians engage with people? We can stand for truth but we must be willing to extend grace.

Thursday-Romans 6.1-23: Just because grace is available does not mean we intentional sin in order for grace to be shown. We have a different obligation as people of Christ. We have a different master to follow! How we live matters to Jesus and in this world! Pray for courage to stand for Jesus!

Friday-Mark 10.17-31: Some of the best teachings come from a question posed by the student. What questions do you have from these verses for Jesus? May we stay eager to learn more each week.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
June 2-8, 2024

Life is full of ups and downs; mountains and valleys; wins and losses. The life of faith is very similar, and we must remember we cannot live on the mountain of transfiguration all the time. May these verses help you in your faith to trust Jesus above all else.

Sunday-Mark 9.14-29: Which character(s) in this passage are you most drawn to? Why? The presence of doubt in our life does not mean Jesus cannot move. Pray for faith!

Monday-Mark 1.40-41: How does this healing compare with the one in Mark 9? Taken together what does this show us about faith that moves Jesus? Which type of faith do you presently have? Pray for an increase of faith!

Tuesday-Psalm 23.1-9: David writes about a future hope and a present presence that carries him through hard times. Pray that your trust of Jesus would increase?

Wednesday-Mark 1.35-37: Jesus withdrew to pray. How often do we get caught up in doing we fail to pray? Envision how life may be different if prayer was more central. Spend some time in prayer!

Thursday-Ephesians 6.18-20: Pray all kinds of prayers. Pray honest prayers. Pray salvation prayers. Pray prayers for words to be shared. Regardless let us pray in accordance and agreement with the Holy Spirit.

Friday-Revelation 1.9-18: Prepare for the Word of God by reading this description of Jesus. What sticks out to you? How can these words be comforting to others?

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 26-June 1, 2024

Jesus is above all!! We know this to be true but sometimes we must be reminded of this. The Gospel of Mark is trying to help us see Jesus as He is, God in flesh. May these verses help us to hear Jesus and obey Him!

Sunday-Mark 9.1-13: When Jesus says something it will come to be true! The point of our passage is to see Jesus but also hear His words. Pray you listen to Jesus!

Monday-Hebrews 1.1-4: Think of some things which are superior to something else. How do you know? The speaker of Hebrews is stating clearly Jesus is superior to the whole Old Testament and therefore we must listen to him. Pray for Jesus’ word to go forth!

Tuesday-2 Timothy 2.8-13: Jesus will remain faithful and His word cannot be chained, stopped, nor silenced. Notice the hope Paul has in these verses. Pray for endurance!

Wednesday-Lamentations 3.19-33: God’s character reminds us to look for his faithfulness and love each and every day. Make a list of ways God’s love and faithfulness have been evident in your life in 2024.

Thursday-Hebrews 13.8-16: As the sermon of Hebrews comes to an end, we get reminders of the things which are important. What sticks out in the list to you? Because of the character of Jesus, he is unchanging, we can live differently.

Friday-Mark 9.14-29: Prepare to hear the Word on Sunday by reading these honest prayers. Pray for the Holy Spirit to start the work in your heart. Pray bold prayers!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 19-25, 2024

Following Jesus is not easy. He promises us true life but in this world we may experience pain, suffering, loss and many other things. Yet, true discipleship means we must obey even in hard times. May these verses help you obey Jesus!

Sunday-Mark 8.23-9.1: Just sit and ponder these questions: who is Jesus to you? What does it mean to follow Jesus? What does power look like? Pray for wisdom!

Monday-1 Corinthians 1.18-31: The cross doesn’t make sense from a worldly point of view. The cross being our symbol is contrary to self-preservation. Yet, this is exactly what we are called to do: obey God when it doesn’t make sense. Pray for strength and courage to obey!

Tuesday-1 Corinthians 2.1-5: The power of the kingdom is the power of the Holy Spirit. We want people to rely on Jesus not us. Pray for the stirring of the Spirit!

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 2.6-16: We must never forget the gift of the Holy Spirit and rely on the Spirit for all things. What do you notice about the Spirit in this passage? What are the promises in this passage? Pray for wisdom!

Thursday-Matthew 16.13-20: What differences do you notice between this passage and the one in Mark? What promise does Christ state in these verses? Stop and think about what you would feel, think, and do if you knew it would be successful. Pray for confidence in the Gospel!

Friday-Mark 9.2-13: What sticks out in these verses? How does reading them help you see Jesus clearly and give strength to obey? Pray for the salvation of your neighbors!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 12-18, 2024

We need to see as Jesus sees. Ask yourself most days this week, “what do I see here”? May this help you be a bridge for the Gospel that someone can walk over for the healing love of Jesus.

Sunday-Mark 8.22-26: As you read the text again what sticks out to you? Put yourself in the blind man’s shoes, what do you notice? Trust Jesus to provide healing. Pray for healing!

Monday-Isaiah 55.6-13: Verse 8 is a key verse for me in this passage. We must remember God does not work as we would always expect him. Pray for wisdom to let God be God but also to live differently. Pray for Jesus to give you encouragement to share the Gospel!

Tuesday-Psalm 146.1-10: Notice the ways God will be with His people. Notice how this passage could help someone familiar with the OT see that Jesus is God! Pray for hope!

Wednesday-Mark 10.46-52: Compare the story of Bartimaeus with our passage from Sunday. What stands out to you? How would you respond to the question, “what do you want me to do for you?” Pray with boldness concerning the requests on your heart!

Thursday-2 Corinthians 5.16-6.2: God is making his appeal to our world through us. We are His ambassadors, sent on His mission, to proclaim reconciliation with Christ is possible. The key, for me, is verse 16. Pray this verse over your life!

Friday-Mark 8.27-38: We get to the height of confession, and subsequent failure, in our text for Sunday. What sticks out as you read? Pray for hearts open to the message of Jesus!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 5-11, 2024

Just because we have eyes, ears, mouths and brains does not mean we truly grasp things around us. We are to walk by faith, meaning we will not have all the “answers”, because we trust the one we follow. May these passages build faith.

Sunday-Mark 8.11-21: As you read the text again ask this question, “who am I like, and how, in this passage?” Where is God telling you to “watch out!”? Pray for ears to hear Jesus!

Monday-Deuteronomy 32.1-18: Faith sometimes gets twisted in believing we have done something and deserve to choose another. The nation of Israel had forgotten who God was and Moses was reminding them in this song. Pray for a mind to remember Jesus’ actions well!

Tuesday-Ezekiel 12.1-20: First notice these words about a rebellious people describe the nation of Israel. It wasn’t to foreigners who did not know who God was but to the people who were to proclaim God. Pray for wisdom in exile!

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 10.1-22: Watch out in your faith! God will provide if we have eyes to see. Be careful about making any good things (self, nation, church, community, money, power, etc.) an idol. Pray for eyes to see Jesus!

Thursday-John 6.43-51: How we grumble when we think we know who Jesus is and are proven wrong. Yet, there is hope! We may not always get it, but Jesus is our true source of life and sustenance. Pray that we would see Jesus!

Friday-Mark 8.22-26: Put yourself in the man’s shoes who was healed; what observations does this give you? How is Jesus healing you this day? Pray for Jesus to touch you!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
April 28-May  4, 2024

We all want to get things right; no one likes to feel like a failure. Yet, sometimes what we think is good may not be the case. May these verses help you to humbly come before our Lord in faith this week.

Sunday-Mark 7.24-8.10: What threads can you find in these healing miracles? What shocks you about these miracles and Jesus? Pray for humility and a willingness to approach Jesus.

Monday-Exodus 4.1-17: In the Gospels Jesus heals people of the reasons why Moses tries to deny God the request. We must remember nothing is too hard for God. Spend some time praying for God to show up in your life.

Tuesday-Isaiah 35.1-10: Restoration, resurrection, new life and joy are hallmarks to the kingdom of God. Jesus comes that we would have a life of joy sharing it with others. Pray about those you want to know Jesus.

Wednesday-Isaiah 60.1-22: The promise was always people from all nations would see who the Messiah is, and worship the Lord. May we remember the Gospel is not for those on the inside, but for those still on the outside as well.

Thursday-Romans 1.16-17: All can be saved. All can be people who live by faith in Jesus. The order was for Jesus to preach first to the Jews then to us Gentiles. May we never forget the acts of grace found only in Jesus.

Friday-Mark 8.11-21: We come back to Pharisees and their questions. How are we similar to the Pharisees today? Pray for understanding to “know” and “see” and “hear” the things of Jesus!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week 
April 21-27, 2024
This passage is a tough one in many ways. Yet, our desire to honor God above all else. May as we interact with God’s Word we let it change us: internally and externally. May you hear the Word of the Lord this week by what you read.

Sunday-Mark 7.1-23: What sticks out in this passage to you? What do you sense the Spirit convicting and teaching you concerning the walk to follow Jesus? Pray for wisdom.

Monday-Acts 10.1-23: Part of where Mark gets his material from is Peter. How does this passage help us understand how the early church functioned? What are some similarities between what Peter and us may struggle with?

Tuesday-Isaiah 29.13-21: Jesus quotes the first part of this in His response to the Pharisees. Yet, as we read on the context helps us see part of the issue—a reversal of authority. Pray that you will allow God to be God.

Wednesday-Galatians 5.22-25: Paul’s list is similar to Jesus’ except in the positive. (Granted in verses 19-21 we have the negative version.) We must allow the Spirit to plant this seed, (in the Greek it is fruit not fruits), in us. Pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be in your life.

Thursday-Philippians 2.1-11: We are to imitate Christ. This is the fundamental call of the Gospel. Make a list of the “mindset” of Christ from these verses. Go and do the list.

Friday-Mark Mark 7.24-8.10: Jesus goes on to heal people who happen to be Gentiles and those who are “common”. This is intentional by Mark. What can we observe about this intentionality and the goal of the Gospel?

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
March 31-April 6, 2024

The Resurrection of Jesus changes everything! This is the foundational truth of the New Testament. Nothing would matter if Jesus was still in the grave. We would have no hope if He died but never rose again. May these verses help you live in the reality that Jesus is alive!

Sunday-Mark 16.1-8: The “what” of the first Resurrection was pretty simple: the women come and find an empty tomb. How would you have reacted if you were them? Rejoice the grave could not hold Jesus.

Monday-1 Corinthians 15.1-11: The beginning of “why” the Resurrection matters. Notice the “proof” Paul provides for the event. Yet, it takes faith for us to truly believe in Jesus.

Tuesday-1 Corinthians 15.12-34: The "why"  is continued in all of the chapter.Without the Resurrection we have no hope. We might as well just do whatever we want because life is meaningless. But, this is not true.

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 15.35-58: Because the Resurrection is truth we know one day all will be changed. We can press on and be faithful because Jesus gives us victory. How will you live in light of the Resurrection? Why do we need to be reminded of the resurrection?

Thursday-1 Peter 2.4-10: What stands out in these verses to you? Notice the identity we have in Christ because of the Resurrection. Jesus is our living and precious stone.

Friday-1 Peter 1.13-2.3: Spend some time praying that your life, and our church, would crave the pure milk of Christ and continue to taste and see that the Lord is good. Recount the goodness of Jesus in your life.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
Holy Week 2024 (March 24-30, 2024)

The journey of Lent is over but the work of Easter begins.  It would be easy to just step back and breath a sigh of relief and relax. But, Holy Week is meant to not just have “time off” but to be intentional about remembering and waiting with hope for Jesus’ power to be revealed.

Sunday-Mark 11.1-11: Jesus comes into the town cloaked in OT messianic hope (see Zechariah 9). But do the people really know what they say? Pray this Palm Sunday for wisdom.

Monday-Mark 12.28-34: The greatest commands. Jesus once again reminds the people what is most important. Spend some time reflecting on those who have loved you well and how you can love others better.

Tuesday-Mark 12.41-44: What matters most to Jesus? How does this connect with other teachings of Jesus? What principles is Jesus challenging you with in these verses?

Wednesday-Matthew 26.6-13: The theme of sacrifice and learning to love God with our whole being continues in the Holy Week of Jesus. As we slowly approach Easter may you know Jesus prefers the obedience of being a sacrifice to Him.

Thursday-Matthew 26.36-46: Times of deep prayer provides moment of deep grace. Think through an issue or two you could spend in deep prayer; now spend time praying.

Friday-Mark 15.33-47: A death like none other. A death more tragic than any other, if this was really the end. Sit with the disciples, the centurion, and the women. What sticks out to you? What would your heart feel and fear? It is Friday!

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week 
March 17-23, 2024
We are sent people, apostles in the truest sense of the word. We must care for the needs, spiritually & physically, of those around us. We also need times of rest. We must be willing to see Jesus as He truly is. May these passages and thoughts help you rest in Jesus this week.

Sunday-Mark 6.1-31: 
How can you/we humbly serve our world? What does depending on God look like while we live on mission for him today? Pray for God’s wisdom.

Monday-Mark 6.32-56: 
Jesus continues to do magnificent things in the Gospel. Also notice how this miracle mimics the words of Psalm 23. Pray to our Good Shepherd!

Tuesday-Numbers 11.4-35: 
The question we are asked is similar to what Moses was asked, “Is my (God’s) arm too short? Am I (God) not powerful enough to do something?” Our task is to trust completely.

Wednesday-Exodus 33.12-34.9: 
God allows Moses to see who He truly was. This changed Moses forever. Jesus wants us to see Him as He truly is so we may be transformed. How does this passage help us understand the Gospel of Mark?

Thursday-1 Kings 19.9-18: 
Elijah needed encouragement. God gave him, Himself (the Lord). He also provided for the next stage of ministry. God always provides.

Friday-Mark 11.1-11: Jesus comes into Jerusalem, and many repeat the words of the Psalmist. Yet is there faith? Jesus goes around the temple and notices. But does He find faith? As Jesus sees us and knows us may we live in a way that pronounces him, King.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: 
Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.
Living It Out This Week
March 10-16, 0224

Faith can be tricky. One moment we have enough of it and the next we are scared and lack it. Sometimes it is robust and intentional, other times it is less clear. Faith in Jesus means trusting Him to provide wholeness and peace. May these passages help you gain faith in Jesus.

Sunday-Mark 4.35-5.43: We all have troubles in this world: sickness, death, natural causes, and supernatural. Yet, Jesus is the answer to all our troubles He only can bring about the Shalom/Peace of God.

Monday-Isaiah 65.1-5: Which portion of our passage from Sunday does this sound like? What is the hope found in the passage from Isaiah? Pray for eyes to see Jesus this week.

Tuesday-Psalm 104.1-35: We can take confidence and faith in the Lord because he is the creator of all things. He alone commands the world and thus can speak calm into our storms. Pray asking for the peace of Jesus.

Wednesday-Revelation 21.1-8: The sea represented evil, darkness, chaos and most of what was wrong with the world. But we have hope because the future does not have a sea but only the presence of God.

Thursday-John 14.25-17: Jesus is the true giver of peace. In this world we need what He has to offer. Spend some time in prayer asking Jesus to give you a willing heart to accept and live out His peace.

Friday-Mark 6.1-56: We see a couple themes in these verses; what do you see? Jesus calls his disciples to continual trust in Him and sends them out with the message of the good news.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
March 3-9, 2024

Stories are great but sometimes they can be hard to understand. The key for us is to have ears to hear and a desire to grow in the faith. All things are revealed at the appropriate time. May you have faith to hear this week!

Sunday-Mark 4.21-34: Where do you struggle to understand these parables? Think about the times when you wanted knowledge but wisdom proved you had to wait to gain it.

Monday-1 Corinthians 3.1-9: Paul makes sure the church knew who was The ONE who makes all things grow. How can this give us confidence today? What is the challenge?

Tuesday-1 Corinthians 3.10-22: We are the “house” of God. We are valuable because of the grace God has given us through the Holy Spirit. We build upon what Jesus has started and God will reward us all for the work done in Him.

Wednesday-Isaiah 40.28-31: We must patiently wait for the Lord. We must allow God to be God! We must be His servants putting our hope and trust in Him.

Thursday-Daniel 4.1-12: Mark quotes from or alludes to about every chapter in the book of Daniel. For our present parable of the mustard see what is important is the way trees/bushes could be used in a positive manner. May many people find their true shelter in Jesus.

Friday-Mark 4.35-5.43: A large passage but can you distinguish a possible thread linking them all together? Pray for faith to see Jesus. Pray others would have faith to see Jesus. Pray for Jesus to increase and to show up in our world.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
February 25-March 2, 2024

Seeds. Sowing. Fruit. Faithfulness. Carelessness. Worries. Spiritual Warfare. Success. All are found in our parable from Sunday but we must ask for insight and wisdom. May these verses help you seek the Lord and produce good fruit.

Sunday-Mark 4.1-20: What may be considered offensive in this parable? Where do you see yourself in this teaching passage? May you seek the Lord this week and listen to Him.

Monday-Jeremiah 31.27-34: How could these verses help us understand the teachings of Jesus? Notice who is the Sower and what the promise is. Pray with joy because of Jesus!

Tuesday-Isaiah 6.1-13: Isaiah was told to proclaim God’s Word even though the nation may not be willing to listen and respond. How does this encourage us today? What can we do to make sure we are hearing rightly?

Wednesday-Isaiah 55.8-13: We may never know the results of faithfully living and proclaiming the Gospel. The confidence we have is not ours but the Lord’s because His Word is powerful and always does something.

Thursday-Hosea 2.21-23: The Kingdom of God was ushering the promises of the Old Testament. Notice again God is the one who is doing the planting. Subtle nuances in parables letting us know who Jesus is.

Friday-Mark 4.21-34: As you read these stories of Jesus what questions come to mind? Which parable is your favorite? Pray for wisdom as we seek to Jesus as He is not how we want Him to be.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
February 18-24, 2024

Jesus transforms everything. The good news is that all sins, but one, can be forgiven. Jesus is the great forgiver. May these verses help you see Jesus, respond to Jesus, and go out serving the world Jesus.

Sunday-Mark 3.7-35: What sticks out to you in this scene? How is Jesus challenging you, and us, to take him seriously? Where has the Jesus transformed you to love people?

Monday-Exodus 3.1-15: God is calling people to Himself in order to save a lost world. Notice the promises of God in this passage. Which one is important for you to remember? Pray for people to respond to Jesus’ call today

Tuesday-Psalm 27.1-14: Jesus redefines family. Though we may be rejected by many God, through Christ, will always receive you into his family. Being in Jesus’ family is a choice anyone can make. Have you made this choice?

Wednesday-Isaiah 43.1-13: The words and actions of Jesus in Mark 3 closely align with what we read here in Isaiah 43. What similarities do you see? May you ask for wisdom to see Jesus in the Old Testament.

Thursday-Mark 4.1-20: Mark starts to give us the “teaching” of Jesus. We are to sow seeds and we must discern what type of soil we are sowing into. How would this parable be an encouragement to the early church?

Friday-Mark 4.21-34: As you read these stories of Jesus what questions come to mind? Which parable is your favorite? Pray for wisdom as we seek to Jesus as He is not how we want Him to be.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
February 11-17, 2024

The Gospel changes everything and Jesus is the sole authority on what is good. Jesus challenges us to re-think what holiness looks like. To sum it up: holiness is doing good and bringing life to this world. May you have life this week.

Sunday-Mark 2.18-3.6: We all have ways we think is best to commune with God. Sometimes we can “force” this on others as the “right” way. Yet, what does Jesus say about this in our passage? May this week you live out the mercy of Jesus.

Monday-James 4.13-17: Sabbath, and slowing down, helps us remember our time is short and Jesus is holy. However, we must remember sin is not just “doing something” it can be withholding the good we know to do. Go and do good.

Tuesday-Deuteronomy 30.11-20: God was giving His people a choice; one with large consequences. Yet, the hope is they could obey him. Spend time thanking God for life.

Wednesday-Exodus 20.1-21: The 10 Commandments. Yet, the key is verse 1:The Lord is our God. We are called out of slavery, of sin, into life. What keeps you from living?

Thursday-1 Samuel 21.1-9: This is the story Jesus alludes to in our passage from Sunday. The fact David was not judged nor killed implies it was “okay”. What do you find interesting in this passage?

Friday-Mark 3.7-34: Jesus redefines all of life. What stands out in this passage to you? What questions come up because of what Jesus does and says? Spend some time praying about how Jesus is speaking to you.

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
February 4-10, 2024

The Gospel is about bringing new life and transformation. Jesus is boldly proclaiming God is doing a new work, not because the “old” was bad, but because He is doing the work. The barriers of access to God is being torn down, may we never rebuild them. May these verses help this week.

Sunday-Mark 2.1-17: Where are you in these verses? How would you respond if you were the man lowered and hear, “your sins are forgiven?” Jesus surprises those who follow him. Pray you are open to the new work of Jesus.

Monday-Ezekiel 34.1-31: How does Jesu fulfill what is said by the prophet Ezekiel? What do we see Jesus doing in Mark to fulfill this passage? How should we be different.

Tuesday-1 Peter 1.13-21: We have a response to the grace of Jesus—live differently. Spend some time in prayer about how Christ is calling you to be different this week.

Wednesday-Matthew 6.1-15: Jesus calls out doing religious things in order to impress others. Our call is to follow Jesus without needing the recognition of others. God sees all and will reward all for what is done.

Thursday-Matthew 6.16-24: Our attitude in how we live out the grace of Jesus will determine where our treasures truly are kept. We can live differently, believe differently because of who Jesus is.

Friday-Mark 2.23-3.19: Jesus causes quite the stir with what he does, when he does it, and how he does it. Yet, this does not deter Him from his mission. What sticks out to you about Jesus?

Saturday-Mark 1.8: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 28-February 3, 2024

The Gospel is not just a teaching it is a way of life. The Gospel does not just call us and then become static. The Gospel is active! Jesus is the sole authority we must obey. May these verses help you see the authority of Christ and live a different life.

Sunday-Mark 1.21-34: Who are you most like in this passage? If you were in the synagogue or Peter’s house how would you have reacted? Jesus’ authority is known by many, does that include you?

Monday-Ephesians 6.10-20: Jesus brought the reign of God into the world captive by Satan and his forces. We must be reminded who the real enemy is and how to fight Biblically! Notice the call to pray; spend some time praying today.

Tuesday-Mark 1.35-45: Jesus goes off and pray on his own so he can remain in the will of God. What does this teach us about who Christ is?

Wednesday-Isaiah 55.1-13: Notice the same title stated in these verses with what the demons say of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Notice how Jesus is fulfilling what Isaiah speaks.

Thursday-Philippians 2.1-11: Jesus’ authority came from His submission to God the Father. The response of Peter’s mother in law was one of service; the character of Christ. Jesus did not want others to miss the message because of the person.

Friday-Mark 2.1-27: Jesus does what others will have a hard time accepting; forgiving sins and breaking tradition. Yet, we need Him to do a new work in us.

Saturday-Mark 1.8 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 21-27, 2024

The call of Jesus is powerful. The call to obey Him is absolute! The call of Jesus transforms our lives in ways we cannot comprehend but must try to live out. Ask yourself this week: what is Jesus calling me to do? May these verses help you hear the call of Jesus.

Sunday-Mark 1.14-20: Jesus is doing something new! Jesus was calling for belief and repentance in the realization that God’s rule and reign had finally come into the world. What do you need to repent from? What do you need to believe?

Monday-Genesis 1.1-31: The same voice who created all things out of nothing; calls men and women to Himself. How will you be like Jesus going out and about to issue His call?

Tuesday-Genesis 12.1-9: Like Abram our lives cannot remain the same when we respond to Jesus. Notice the obedience of Abram and the disciples. Pray we would be as obedient as them.

Wednesday-Isaiah 56.1-8: The promise of God’s salvation was finally be revealed in Jesus. God was doing something new and we must take notice. How is Jesus doing something new in your life?

Thursday-Revelation 21.1-8: The kingdom of God is here but we wait for the culmination and fully realized some time in the future. How do these words help you stay faithful?

Friday-Mark 1.21-45: Jesus comes on the scene and people notice. What do you see happening in this passage? Pray for our time on Sunday that we would see Jesus as He is.

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow! Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
January 14-20, 2024

Where does the path of Christ lead? Who is Jesus? Why is He able to do what He does? How can I follow Him? All questions the Gospel of Mark will try to answer. But, are we willing to hear the words of the Gospel? May we start listening to the Word of God as you travel this week.

Sunday-Mark 1.1-8: Mark is making it clear what the purpose of his Gospel is; Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God! What in these verses help us see Jesus this way?

Monday-Mark 1.9-13: The passage is about preparing the way for others. John to Jesus and Jesus to us. How does Jesus prepare the way for His disciples?  

Tuesday-Psalm 2.1-13: A royal Psalm used when some of the kings of Israel came to the throne. Also, a Psalm Jews associated with the Messiah. How does Mark allude to this Psalm in Mark 1?

Wednesday-Isaiah 40.1-31: Words of hope and comfort to people wandering when God would show up again. Israel was waiting for this prophecy to be fulfilled and Mark gives us the clue on how God is doing it.

Thursday-Isaiah 42.1-8: Mark seems to be saying, “Jesus fulfills all of Scripture” and Mark 1 drips with this prophecy as well. Where is this prophecy part of the passage? How does this help us see Jesus? God is doing something new!

Friday-Mark 1.14-39: As you read a portion of the text for Sunday what sticks out to you? What questions do you have about who Jesus is? What is the thread of this passage?

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 24-30, 2023

It is Christmas Eve, and our journey of Advent is about over. However, the journey with Jesus is just getting started. May these verses remind you of Christmas and our calling. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sunday-John 3.16-21: Notice the commentary John provides us as we interact with Jesus. It may be safe to say that it is easy to negatively judge where there is no love. Pray for love.

Monday-Matthew 1.18-25: Marvel at the love Joseph has for God and for his new family. Marvel at how love changes condemnation to security. Marvel at Christmas and how love came down in the person of Jesus.

Tuesday-Luke 2.1-21: The Christmas story continues in our passage today. What acts of love do you notice? Where is love seen in these words? Pray God would open your heart, mind, body and soul to love.

Wednesday-Luke 2.22-40: Love requires we allow others to speak into our life. We are not islands in the ocean of God’s love but are deeply interconnected people. Who speaks loving and truthful words into your life?

Thursday-John 13.34-35: Nothing major Jesus tells his disciples here. In fact, some could argue this was not a new command but instead he is making sure they get it. The power of love to show the Gospel. Pray you can love God’s people well.  

Friday-1 John 4.7-21: To love God means we must obey His commands. To love God means we must obey other Christians. What sticks out in this passage to you?

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church

Living It Out This Week
December 17-23, 2023

Advent is about journeys. Each character in the Christmas story must make a journey, somewhere. The same is true with you and me. May these verses help you journey to see Jesus the King of the Jews.

Sunday-Matthew 2.1-12: The journey of the Magi is a wonderful journey. What strikes you about their journey? What peaks your curiosity about the verses of our text? Pray that Christ would give you joy this week.

Monday-Matthew 2.13-18: Most people are not happy these days. How does the reaction of Herod illustrate our present day world? Yet, notice God is still in control.

Tuesday-Matthew 2.19-23: Does God use human wisdom, divine intervention or other ways of fulfilling His plan? How does the passage help answer the question for us? Pray for the wisdom of God as you make plans.

Wednesday-Numbers 24.15-19: Jesus would call himself the “bright morning star” in Revelation 22; alluding to this passage. Yet, the Magi and others may have noticed these words as well. What hints is God putting in your life about what He is up to?

Thursday-Psalm 72.1-20: The hope of Israel was that all nations would be blessed by them and this Psalm depicts some of the hope. What qualities of the king do you see in this Psalm?

Friday-Isaiah 11.1-9: Read these verses again with expectancy of what God is going to do next. Read with wonder at who Jesus is!

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 10-16, 2023

The world is divided. Sometimes the church is divided. Christmas can be hard because of family division. Yet, in the midst of this context the offer of peace is on the table.

Sunday-Luke 1.26-38: What and who is the source of Mary’s peace? What steps are you going to take this week to hold on to peace? Pray to the Prince of Peace, Jesus, to help you receive peace and grace.

Monday-Luke 1.39-45: Peace does not grow or happen in isolation. Though times alone can be peaceful we must be in relationships with others. Who will you give peace to this week, relationally?

Tuesday-Luke 1.46-56: Peace, hope and joy must be expressed or it will wither and extinguish. Spend a few moments in prayer expressing the peace Jesus has given you to Him.

Wednesday-Isaiah 7.13-17: This is the backdrop to the first Advent, the birth of Jesus. The “sign” was given by God to remind the king and kingdom who he was. How is this similar to the gift of the Holy Spirit in Christians?

Thursday-Isaiah 9.1-7: 
A quintessential Christmas passage made famous by Handel in his work, “Messiah”. Reflect on these “names” of Christ; which name do you need?

Friday-Philippians 2.5-11: These verses remind us what humility look like. Notice the characteristics of Mary from our passage and this passage. If you want peace we must humble ourselves and let God be God.

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
December 3-9, 2023

The most wondering season of all is here: Advent/Christmas! But sometimes we must admit it is also a hard season. Hope is needed when life is hard. Hope will keep us moving forward. Hope is essential. May these verses help the hope of Jesus reside in you.

Sunday-John 3.23-36: How can we live out the example of John the Baptist? What would it look like for us to decrease this Christmas? Pray that Jesus is amplified this month.

Monday-John 1.1-18: The story of Christmas as told by John (if you ask me that is). What are the seeds of hope in this passage we need today? Focus on the truth of Jesus.

Tuesday-John 1.19-28: Hope continually looks forward to something greater, better. How is John laying the foundation for all to realize the greatness of Jesus? Where can we do the same, today?

Wednesday-John 1.29-42: This is at least the third time in this chapter John points to who Jesus is. We must persevere in sharing Jesus with others. Once is not enough! Faithfulness is the key ingredient to the Gospel.

Thursday-John 20.20-23: Oh, how easy it is to compare! Yet, Jesus wants us to remain focused on what He has called us to do. How have you compared yourself with others this week? How do you compare others to you? Our faith is not individual, but it is also not a comparison trap.

Friday-Romans 5.1-8: Hope is the byproduct of other ingredients; it does not come first. Yet, because of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection we know hope never fails.

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 19-25, 2023

If we want to grow in thanksgiving and joy we must be on mission with others for the Lord. Pouring into, and supporting, others is a guaranteed way to do so. May these verses help you grow this week.

Sunday-Philippians 1.1-11: What sticks out again from our text this morning? How can remembering you are a “saint” motivate you to live a Christian life?

Monday-2 Corinthians 8.1-15: We must be faithful into mentoring and being mentored by others. We give what we have so others may have what they need. How have others given so you can have all you need: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and relationally?

Tuesday-1 Peter 2.4-10: A mighty lofty statement Peter gives the believers, including us. Notice the purpose of our status with Jesus—to make know Jesus and his praises. How can you share Jesus with someone this week?

Wednesday-Philippians 1.12-26: In a world of division what matters most is the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus. How can your faithfulness in partnership help those on the front lines have courage? Who are you mentoring in the faith?

Thursday-2 Timothy 1.3-13: Notice the depth of love Paul has for the son in the faith, Timothy. We should strive to be a Paul to someone and a Timothy to someone as well. Who is God bringing to your mind?

Friday-1 Thessalonians 5.16-24: Rejoicing is not a feeling but an attitude and state of being. Reflect on your moments of joy this week and praise God for all He is doing.

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 12-18, 2023

Life is hard. Holidays can be harder. Families do not always play nice and some are just unsafe. Yet, the Christian is called to a different way of being. May these passages help you grow in Thanksgiving and share the Gospel.

Sunday-Philippians 4.4-9: As you read the passage from this morning again, does anything new stick out? Which of the commands of Paul do you need to put into practice? Pray for the peace of the Lord to be with you this week.

Monday-Philippians 1.27-30: The overarching reason we can have joy and thanksgiving is because of the Gospel of Jesus. For Paul, we must always walk in a manner worthy of Jesus. Spend some time reflecting on the Gospel of Jesus and the impact it has had on your life.

Tuesday-Isaiah 53.7-9: The prophecy concerning the Messiah, the Lord’s Servant, was fulfilled by Jesus. It is also a reminder of our task when life gets hard. Paul said for us to be “gentle” and these verses help show us the gentleness he had in mind. Pray for wisdom and gentleness.

Wednesday-Philippians 2.1-11: What traits of Jesus in these verses do you see lacking in church and other Christians? Lacking in you? We are to be like Christ each day.

Thursday-Philippians 2.12-18: Paul goes on to tackle to remind us because of God’s working in us we need not grumble and complain. Pray for thanksgiving to overflow.

Friday-Philippians 1.3-11: God will continue what He started! God can do more than we can imagine! We can grow more and more in His love and grace!

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
November 5-11, 2023

Thanksgiving is something we focus on each year in November. Yet, it is an attitude we should have each and every week. May these verses help prepare you for Thanksgiving but also instill in you an attitude of gratitude.

Sunday-2 Corinthians 4.7-18: What sticks out as you read these verses again? How does knowing we are just fragile clay jars help us have thanksgiving? Ask Jesus for a thankful spirit this week.

Monday-2 Corinthians 4.1-7: As we read the context of our message on Sunday we see thanksgiving is tied to the work of Jesus, the Gospel. As we share the Gospel we will grow in thanksgiving. Make of list of those who need Jesus and pray for them to see Him.

Tuesday-2 Corinthians 5.11-6.2: We look at people as God looks at them: those who need the Savior Jesus Christ. How are you sharing Jesus to others? What are you doing to share Jesus in your circle of influence?

Wednesday-Psalm 116.1-19: Paul quotes this Psalm in our text from Sunday; what sticks out to you? How can you sacrifice a thanks offering to Jesus?

Thursday-Lamentations 3.22-24: How have you seen God lately? Spend some time reflecting on His goodness and grace.

Friday-2 Corinthians 1.18-22: God is faithful! Jesus is the answer! The Holy Spirit guarantees we can look to the future with hope, and thus be thankful in the present.

Saturday-John 3.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 29-November 4, 2023

There is much pain and suffering in the world these days. We may wonder, what is the point of life? Ecclesiastes grapples with this question and others. Yet, the hope is God makes all things beautiful in His time; we can trust Him. May these verses help you trust the Lord this week.

Sunday-Ecclesiastes 3.1-15: There is a time for every activity under heaven we can engage in. Yet, it is not about our desires which will produce joy but the desire of God who has set eternity in our hearts. Pray for His will this week!

Monday-Ecclesiastes 12.13-15: After the whole book and looking at life the answer is simple for Solomon. Put these verses in your own words.

Tuesday-Matthew 6.25-34: God is sovereign. When we understand this truth we can rest a little easier because it does not depend on us. How have you seen God’s control?

Wednesday-John 10.1-10: Notice the words of Jesus and the contrast between the life He gives and the work of “the thief”. What does abundant life look like to you?

Thursday-John 10.11-21: What traits of Jesus’ character can help us to trust Him according to this passage? Jesus is firm until the end and we must joyfully serve Him. Pray for joy and a place to serve the Lord!

Friday-Matthew 25.14-30: The reward was to enter the presence of the master and experience his happiness and joy. How has joy been a reward for you? Pray your life would be filled with joy.

Saturday-1 Corinthians 15.1-11: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 22-28, 2023 
We all want to be independent and do things on our own. This is not necessarily a bad characteristic but sometimes can get in the way of Jesus and the life he has for us. Autonomy is not the idea of following Jesus--submission to who He is, is the path. May these verses help you follow Jesus this week.

Sunday-Revelation 3.14-22: 
Independence is a key value in our culture. Yet, it can get in the way of our relationship with Jesus. Spend some time praying about your need for Jesus.

Monday-Colossians 1.9-14: What ways does this passage help us see our need for Jesus? The goal of our faith is not just heaven, but pleasing Christ in all ways.

Tuesday-Colossians 1.15-23: Who is Jesus? These verses help us answer the question. Notice the traits of Christ presented by Paul. Does this align with your view of Jesus? What do you need to be reminded of from these verses?

Wednesday-Colossians 2.6-15: There are many half-truths swirling around us these days. It will take diligent and vigilant efforts on our part to stay rooted in Christ. Spend some time praying for Jesus’ church in America

Thursday-Colossians 3.1-17: Being rooted in the Gospel demands we live differently. Look at the many ways we are to act differently because of who Jesus is in our life. How closely does Jesus’ church look like Jesus?

Friday-Colossians 4.2-6: May we pray for boldness to proclaim Jesus in all ways and as clearly as we can. May we have wisdom to know the best way to reach people for the Lord. Above all may we have grace and love.

Saturday-Revelation 4.1-11 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.
Living It Out This Week
October 15-21, 2023

Faithfulness, vindication, security, patience, and encouragement; all found in the letter to the church of Philadelphia. Where do you find those traits? May these verses help you grow in Jesus this week.

Sunday-Revelation 3.7-13: As you read over the passage from our sermon again what sticks out? Notice where the hope promised comes from. Spend some time praying for the week ahead.

Monday-2 Corinthians 12.1-10: Pride can sneak into anyone’s life if we are not careful. What does Paul say helped him stay humble? Ask Jesus for grace today so you too may not fall sin to pride.

Tuesday-John 10.22-30: The security we find comes from hearing the voice of Jesus and being in His hands. Notice the description Jesus gives of himself in relation to God. Rest in Jesus this day.

Wednesday-Ephesians 2.11-22: The power of the grace of Jesus is reconciliation and transformation. We together are being built up into the building of God.

Thursday-1 Peter 2.4-10: The grace and mercy of Jesus allow us to now be part of what we do not deserve—God’s temple. Marvel at what Peter is teaching here and rest in grace.

Friday-Hebrews 1.1-14: What do we learn about Jesus in this passage? How does understanding who Jesus is help us stay faithful and worship Him? Spend some time thinking about the holiness and truth of Jesus.

Saturday-Revelation 3.14-22: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 8-14, 2023

We all need a good night’s sleep but sometimes our sleep is such we fail to truly wake up. Scripture commands we are vigilant and stay awake in order to follow Jesus. May these verses help you stand guard and do the mission of Jesus.

Sunday-Revelation 3.1-6: What qualities of this church do you see in our church? Reputations are good but sometimes focus too much on the past. Ask God to strengthen you for today.

Monday-Matthew 24.36-51: A parable about staying awake. Which example resonates with you? The point is this: Jesus is coming and we must be ready, today. Be on guard, stay faithful!

Tuesday-1 Thessalonians 5.1-11: We live in a world of darkness but if we will wake up; we are the people of light and sober thinking. Where is Christ asking you to wake up?

Wednesday-Philippians 3.12-14: Our reputations look back on what we have done; not a bad thing. However, we cannot let our past accomplishments stop us from moving forward. Ask Jesus to help you look forward with joy and anticipation.

Thursday-Luke 14.25-35: Jesus doesn’t just want a sanitize version of us; he wants it all. What is Jesus asking you to give up so He can have all of you?

Friday-Luke 10.17-20: How would you characterize Jesus words in these verses? We must keep our eyes on the true source of joy and salvation—Jesus Christ the Lord. Take some time to remember your moment of salvation, your baptism, and marvel at the grace of Christ.

Saturday-Revelation 3.7-13: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
October 1-7, 2023

Jesus has promises for all who would remain faithful, to the very end. However, we know this is not an easy task. May these verses help you grow in love, faith and service.

Sunday-Revelation 2.18-29: What qualities of this church do you see in our church? What aspects of who Jesus is encourages us to be faithful? Pray for the week ahead.

Monday-1 John 4.1-6: Every Christian must make the time to test what other “Christians” are teaching. The main issue is this: “Who is Jesus?” How would you answer that question today?

Tuesday-Acts 17.10-15: The Berean Christians tested to see what Paul was preaching was in fact in Scripture. How well do you think you know Scripture? How will you grow in knowledge of Scripture in order to persevere? Pray for knowledge of God’s Word!

Wednesday-Psalm 2.1-12: A royal Psalm applied to the Messiah and how the true King will reign. This is part of the context of what Revelation is unfolding, how God will defend his king and reign.

Thursday-Romans 14.13-23: There is to be a spirit of grace, love, and encouragement on non-essential matters of the faith. Yet, we all must give an account to God on how we live and treat others.

Friday-John 14.1-14: Jesus is the only way of salvation. Though our world does not appreciate this we must remain firm to the end. If you want to know God, know Jesus. Pray for those who do not see who Jesus really is.

Saturday-Revelation 3.1-6: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 24-30, 2023

Sometimes the biggest struggle for us are not the “major” stands we must make, but the “minor” ways we are asked to compromise the Gospel. May these verses help you persevere and stay true to the end.

Sunday-Revelation 2.12-17: The pressure to compromise is present all around us. How does the image of Jesus help you to trust him over the world? Spend time praying for the Lord’s church and His Gospel!

Monday-Luke 14.25-35: Jesus reminds us in these verses we are to count the cost in following Him. It will not be easy, and He demands everything. Yet, He gives life to all who would follow. Pray about what Jesus wants for you life!

Tuesday-Matthew 28.16-20: The mission of the church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus. What is the Gospel according to these verses? Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with someone. Pray for boldness to proclaim Jesus.

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 8.1-13: Paul warns the early church to be careful about how they use their knowledge to engage in sinful behavior. Grace does not mean we can do whatever we want. Pray for wisdom!

Thursday-1 Corinthians 9.1-18: Notice how Paul is sharing what he does with his freedom. What ways can you benefit from taking a similar approach?

Friday-1 Corinthians 9.19-27: Do we have a similar passion for the Gospel as Paul? The whole goal of how Paul lived was to further the Gospel. Pray we would see the Gospel as that important in our day, church, and community.

Saturday-Revelation 2.18-29: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 17-23, 2023

We all want to be part of a church which has nothing wrong with it. Yet, no church is perfect. However, Christ speaks only words of encouragement to this small and suffering church. May these verses help you be faithful.

Sunday-Revelation 2.8-11: A suffering church is a simple, solid, and purse church. Notice the encouragement in this brief letter. What encouragement do you need from Christ for this week? Spend time praying to Him who is alive.

Monday-Galatians 2.19-21: By the grace of Jesus we are summoned to be crucified with Him. Does our life look like Jesus? When people see us what and who do they see?

Tuesday-Philippians 3.7-14: Paul did not just say he wanted to gain Christ but wanted to participate in His sufferings. In a world that minimizes suffering this is counter-cultural. Spend some time reflecting on Christ’s suffering and our comfort. Pray for the suffering church in the World.

Wednesday-Mark 8.34-9.1: Take up our cross daily. A great concept but definitely hard to put into practice. What does taking up your cross look like for you? How is Christ being faithful to you?

Thursday-John 17.7-19: What sticks out about Jesus’ prayer for his disciples? We are not of the world anymore than Jesus was of the world. May this encourage you!

Friday-Hebrews 12.1-3:  We are surrounded by those who come before us in the faith. Whose example helps you to persevere? Our goal is not suffering but looking to Jesus.

Saturday-Revelation 2.12-17: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 10-16, 2023

The one who can hear, let them do. We must be open to listening and doing the Word of God. We cannot love God and forget to love others. May these verses help you hear the Spirit of Christ and do the work of Christ.

Sunday-Revelation 2.1-7:  Does anything else stick out or come to mind as you read this letter again? What do you believe the Spirit is saying through these words? Pray about your need for repentance.

Monday-Revelation 1.1-8:  Verse 3 is a crucial verse to understanding Revelation, and probably all of Scripture. Hearing and reading God’s Word provides blessing. However, we cannot just read without doing.

Tuesday-Revelation 1.8-20:  What observations can we make about Christ from these verses? Notice how Jesus states he is God, deity, when He speaks. Pray that you would understand Jesus’ power over death in your life.

Wednesday-Acts 18.18-28:  How does hearing of Aquilla, Priscilla and Apollos help us understand the church in Ephesus? Who has functioned as your Aquilla and Priscilla in your faith journey?

Thursday-Acts 19.1-20:  The power of Jesus, His Spirit, and those who follow Him. How would our world be different if we feared the Lord and openly confessed our deeds?

Friday-John 16.33:  Do you want to be victorious and conquer evil? Then we must focus on Jesus! Jesus have already won the battle! Ask Christ to give you His peace as you seek to be faithful to Him.

Saturday-Revelation 2.8-11:  Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
September 3-9, 2023

Sin always has consequences; it is never neutral. Repentance also always produces something; we cannot remain the same when we have repented. May these verses help you stay with God, return to God, and live with God this week.

Sunday-Hosea 13.1-16: The story of Israel may also be our story. What analogy of God sticks out from these verses to you? Why is that? Pray that you will have the desire to seek Jesus this week?

Monday-Hosea 14.1-9:  Even though sin produces death; there is hope! Where does true hope come from according to this chapter? What is stopping you from coming back to God?

Tuesday-John 3.1-15:  Jesus has an interaction with a Pharisee about being “born again”. What is the key to this new birth according to Jesus? How will you be born of spirit?

Wednesday-John 3.16-36:  Eternal life is not just for some day, it is for today! What is true according to these verses because of eternal life? How should we live because of the gift of eternal life according to John in this chapter?

Thursday-Acts 3.1-26:  What is difficult about repenting? What is the Spirit saying to you about the need of repentance? Notice verses 19 and the promise of refreshment because of repentance.

Friday-1 Corinthians 15.50-58:  Paul quotes Hosea 13 in these verses but for a different reason than Hosea originally meant. How can Paul have such a view? Rest in the hope which can only be found in Jesus.

Saturday-Revelation 2.1-7:  Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 27-September 2, 2023

We trust the people and things we know. This is a great thing most of the time. However, we must not let the familiar get in the way of the good. May these verses help you seek the Lord and know Him greater.

Sunday-Hosea 11.1-11: God loving calls his children, and those he adopts, into a relationship with Him. How has God been a mother or father to you? Where do you need His guidance this week?

Monday-Hosea 11.12-12.14: God must discipline His children. He always disciples in love not anger. Where has God disciplined you in the past? How does God continue to show his love for you?

Tuesday-Micah 6.6-8: What does the Lord require of His people? The prophets were trying to get the nation to see God’s real requirement and heart. What does verse 8 look like in practice to you?

Wednesday-Amos 5.18-27
: How is God’s character and heart revealed in these verses? As you pray do you sense the Spirit saying anything about how we may be similar to God’s people then? What does verse 24 look like in 2023?

Thursday-Isaiah 66.1-16: The prophet is foretelling of a new day when the old order will be no more. Notice that God describes himself like a mother, one who comforts and cares. How can we show God’s mother like qualities in our world?

Friday-Matthew 23.29-39: Jesus is willing to gather any who would come, yet many will chose a different path. Pray for the lost to come home and for times to share Jesus!

Saturday-Hosea 14.1-9 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 20-26, 2023

We trust the people and things we know. This is a great thing most of the time. However, we must not let the familiar get in the way of the good. May these verses help you seek the Lord and know Him greater.

Sunday-Hosea 10.1-15: The consequences of being chosen by God are great. What comes to mind as you re-read this passage? What would Hosea say to God’s people, the Church, today? Seek the Lord this week!

Monday-Matthew 7.7-12: Jesus makes a bold claim here, how would you put it in your own words? How will you ask, seek, and knock the Lord this week? Be intentional and deliberate in your walk with Jesus? What is God’s character which motivates us approaching Him?

Tuesday-Luke 15.1-7: Jesus tells this parable as the beginning of three stories with very similar points.  Notice the character of God and the angels about finding people who respond to God’s grace. What are we doing to find those who are lost?

Wednesday-Matthew 15.1-20: We all can have ideas about what we think is good and not good. The key to what Jesus is saying rest in verses 8 and 9. What is one truth from these verses God’s people need to remember?

Thursday-Acts 17.16-34: Paul is interacting with those who do not know Jesus. What are the traits, characteristics, and truths of Jesus he focuses the attention?

Friday-John 15.1-17: God is the master gardener and desires his plans to produce fruit. What does remaining in Jesus mean to you? Is this what it may mean to Jesus?

Saturday-Hosea 11.1-11: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 13-19, 2023

Please others, especially those close to us, is almost a natural thing we try to do. However, at some point in time we may think we are pleasing someone when we really are just doing our “own thing”. May these verses help you to please the Lord and not ourselves.

Sunday-Hosea 8.1-14: The nation of Israel has been on a downward spiral for years. Notice the ways they have walked away from God. Now take some time to ask the Lord to reveal to you how we also have unintentionally walked away.

Monday-Hosea 9.1-17: God is a holy God and cannot just allow sin to run unchecked. God desires to forgive but we must be willing to admit His ways are better. Ask God to forgive you of specific sins today. Rest in God’s forgiveness.

Tuesday-Psalm 51.1-18: David gives us a Psalm of prayer which we can imitate. What characteristics of God stand out for you? How can you be more like David this week?

Wednesday-1 Samuel 12.20-25: A bold prophecy from Samuel about what may happen to the nation, Hosea shows us the reality. Yet, there is hope in these verses. Where does hope come from? Rest in Jesus today.

Thursday-Romans 8.1-11: Those controlled by the Spirit are able to please God. Yet, we do not always allow ourselves to be controlled by the Spirit. What does Paul say about desires and the result of living by the Spirit?

Friday-Hebrews 13.15-16: Notice what Hebrews says pleases God. May we continually offer a sacrifice of praise—submitting ourselves to Christ, and doing good.

Saturday-Hosea 10.1-15: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
August 6-12, 2023

One of the words over and over in Hosea is acknowledge or know God. In other parts of Scripture it is to remember who he is, where we have come from and where we are going. How well do you remember God showing up and showing off in your life? May these verses help you remember.

Sunday-Hosea 6.7-7.16: Hosea is reminding Israel of key places in their history to help them “remember” and hopefully change. What is God saying to you today?

Monday-Genesis 3.1-24: Adam and Eve, as representatives of all of humanity, failed to remember what God had really said to them. Thus, sin entered the world. Where have your forgotten God? Where is God’s grace trying to remind you.

Tuesday-Genesis 32.1-32: Here is Gilead Jacob is preparing for an encounter with his brother, Esau. It is also here in his distress God shows up for a wrestling match. Where have you wrestled with God?

Wednesday-Matthew 16.5-12: A little bit of yeast goes a long way. The same is true of sin, pride, and self-righteousness. How does Jesus words here help us?

Thursday-Romans 5.12-21: Just as sin entered through one man, the freedom from sin came because of another man—Jesus Christ. Spend some time praising God for the sacrifice of our Lord.

Friday-Galatians 6.7-10: We cannot mock God nor live in a state of deception or denial. We all will reap a harvest. The question is, “what are you sowing”?  

Saturday-Hosea 8.1-14: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 31-August 5, 2023

Revival. What images come to mind when you hear the word? What experiences do you possibly re-live? Maybe some never had the experience, what do you think it would be like to experience a revival? May these verses help start the revival in you this week.

Sunday-Hosea 5.15-6.6: The ingredients of revival for the nation of Israel are stated in this passage. What do you think they include? How will you use these ingredients in your life?

Monday-Deuteronomy 4.25-31: The nation was told up front how to experience revival, and they would need to do so. God is always ready to respond to people. Pray for revival.

Tuesday-Ezekiel 18.19-32: We see the heart of God in these verses. What truths come out for you? How would we be different if we had God’s viewpoint of others in mind?

Wednesday-Isaiah 55.1-13: God issues the call for us to come to Him. He reminds us of his character and also ours. Yet, there is always hope! Where is the hope in this passage? How will you spread hope the rest of this week, month, year?

Thursday-Matthew 9.9-13: Jesus calls someone the “religious” thought should not be a disciple. Who are those in our modern world that would fid this category? How does the context of verse 12 help us today learn Hosea 6?

Friday-Matthew 12.1-14: Jesus again quotes Hosea 6.6 in response to the concerns and accusations of the Pharisees. What was the issue as Jesus saw it? How do we behave in a similar way as the Pharisees?

Saturday-Hosea 6.7-7.16: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 23-30, 2023

Sin separates. Sin causes the conflicts between people and our conflict with Christ. May these verses help you to see God and to repent of your sins as you become aware.

Sunday-Hosea 5.1-14: The role sin of the people, leaders and priest in making the nation who they were is easy to see. However, spend some time reflecting on your sin and relationship with Christ.

Monday-1 Samuel 13.1-15: What was the sin of King Saul? What was the consequence of his sin? May we see our own sin this day and go to Jesus for the forgiveness of sin.

Tuesday-2 Chronicles 28.1-27: Some of the historical background to Hosea can be found in these verses. What do you notice going on which helps to see Hosea clearly?

Wednesday-Romans 1.18-32: Paul tells us the results of a hardened heart; God gives us what we want. This only produces more sin and more darkness. Pray for our community, state, nation and world.

Thursday-Romans 6.23: Though just one first there is a big power and promise in these words. Notice the natural result of sin will be death. Yet, there is a promise about eternal life not being from ourselves but from Christ. Praise Jesus for the gift of salvation.

Friday-1 John 1.5-2.2: What truths does the Apostle John give us in these verses? In order to get some of the promises what must we do? Sin is powerful but Christ is greater than any sin. We must trust Jesus!

Saturday-Hosea 5.15-6.1-10: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 16-24, 2023

There is objective truth and subjective truth. Both are necessary in order to be faithful to Jesus. May these verses help you “know” Christ more as you live in relationship with Him.

Sunday-Hosea 4.1-19: As you re-read our text from this morning what charges stand out to you? Ask God to reveal to you the ways you need help to be faithful.

Monday-John 14.1-14: Jesus is the way we need to follow, the truth we need to “know”, and the life we need each day. Spend time reflecting on the words of Jesus in this passage.

Tuesday-Matthew 6.25-34: Life has a way of creating anxiety and worry. Sometimes these worries are legitimate but if we are not careful they will get in the way of a greater focus-Jesus. Take your worries and anxieties to Jesus today.

Wednesday-Matthew 7.15-23: Some scary and harsh words but we must be reminded of them from time to time. Actions are important but we cannot let that replace growing in relationship with Jesus.

Thursday-Philippians 3.1-14: This should be our attitude: realizing all we can do is nothing compared to who Jesus is and knowing Him more. What is your plan to grow in Jesus the rest of this year?

Friday-Proverbs 29:18: In the NIV the word is “revelation”, in other translations it may be “vision”. The key is revelation from God, which is the Word of God, is what is needed for life. What is one verse you can memorize so you know God’s Word?

Saturday-Hosea 5.1-15: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 9-15, 2023

Love is expressed in many ways. It can be self-centered without regard to others or it can focus on the needs of others. Love can soften many hearts and redeem life. May these verses help you love others well this week.

Sunday-Hosea 3.1-5: What traits of love show up in these verses? Ask God to help you love others well this week?

Monday-Deuteronomy 7.7-26: A reminder of God’s choosing of Israel had nothing to do with them. It was a gift they were to cherish and remember? How does this explain salvation in Christ for us today? Remember how you have been loved!

Tuesday-2 Peter 3.8-9: Notice how God’s love is described. Notice the actions which are consistent with His love. How do these verses help us have hope and love in this world?

Wednesday-1 John 4.7-21: Make a list of all the ways love is to be expressed based on this passage. What do you notice? What are the results of love from God towards us and towards others? Learning to show love as God loves is a key part of being His people. Commit to loving those around you this week.

Thursday-1 Corinthians 13.1-13: The pinnacle teaching on love outside the example of Jesus. We can be “right” about many things but if we do not show love, we are only adding to the noise of the world. We only see partially now but love stands the test of time.

Friday-John 15.9-17: The command of Jesus to love one another is the hallmark of our faith. How have God’s people loved you? How have you loved God’s people?

Saturday-Hosea 4.1-19: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
July 2-8, 2023

The minor prophets may be short, but they are powerful. Hosea helps us to learn about who God is and also our natural tendencies to stray.

Sunday-Hosea 2.2-23: What continues to stick out from this passage to you? Where do you see God’s justice? His grace and mercy? Pray you would have eyes to see Jesus this week.

Monday-1 Corinthians 10.1-13: The OT helps us see ourselves accurately but also to learn from the life of Israel. What wisdom can you gain from having a viewpoint like Paul? What is your favorite OT story? What is it’s lesson for us today?

Tuesday-1 Peter 1.13-21: Notice the focus on the saving grace of Christ. What does Peter give us as a reminder of how to live out this grace? If we had this perspective what difference do you believe this would make?

Wednesday-Isaiah 2.1-5: The promise of the prophets included the coming day when instruments of death and destruction would be redeemed. There are similarities from Isaiah to Hosea about these things. Notice the intimacy promised in these verses?

Thursday-Revelation 21.1-5: The hope of Hosea will be revealed in the future. How does this passage mirror Hosea 1-2? Notice the relationship God has with His people. Let us all humble ourselves before the Lord.

Friday-Hosea 14.9: The theme verse in the book of Hosea. Wisdom and discernment does not come from within but instead from the Lord. Pray for wisdom today!

Saturday-Hosea 3.1-5: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
June 25-July 1, 2023
The minor prophets may be short, but they are powerful. Hosea helps us to learn about who God is and also our natural tendencies to stray.

Sunday-Hosea 1.1-9: An interesting setting to begin our journey in Hosea. What truths do you see in these verses? How are we, God’s people today, like the nation of Israel in this chapter? Pray for God’s grace and mercy.

Monday-2 Kings 12.1-21: Hosea was in the northern tribe known as “Israel” and the southern section, “Judah”, was lead by Joash/Uzziah. How does this context of 2 Kings help us understand what is happening?

Tuesday-2 Kings 13.10-25: Just because things were not going well did not mean all was lost in Israel. Where do we find hope and truth in these verses? Notice also the setting Hosea was speaking in, the others who were around.

Wednesday-2 Kings 14.23-29: This is the king which is mentioned in Hosea 1.1. Verse 24 is the constant refrain of the leaders of the tribes of Israel. As the leader goes so did the people. Spend some time praying for the leaders in our world today.

Thursday-Romans 9.6-26: God’s sovereignty, compassion, mercy, grace and justice all co-exists and allows us, Gentiles, to be called “his people”.  This should leave us in awe.

Friday-1 Peter 2.4-10: Peter uses the same words as in Hosea to pronounce the grace of Jesus upon all believers. Yet, we cannot go on as if we can do things our way. Life with Jesus demands we be different.

Saturday-Hosea 2.2-23: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
June 4-11, 2023
We live in a post-Christian world when claiming to be a Christian will be different than ever before. We must keep the important things front and center. May these verses help you keep the important things first.

Sunday-1 Corinthians 15.1-11: The person of Jesus stands at the centrality of all Scripture. The grace of God allows us to do what seems impossible—live with eternity in view today. Pray for wisdom to see Christ this week.

Monday-Mark 1.1-3: Mark makes it clear the “good news” or “Gospel” is directly tied to Jesus. How do you make straight paths for people to see Jesus? Pray for eyes to see openings for the Gospel to be shared.

Tuesday-1 Corinthians 15.12-34: The Resurrection of Jesus makes a difference in how we live today. How does Paul make this point in these verses? Where has the American church been misled from that which is first importance?

Wednesday-Isaiah 52.13-15: A key passage which Paul may have had in mind while talking about “according to Scriptures”. What in this passage resembles Christ?

Thursday-Isaiah 53.1-12: The rest of our passage from yesterday to help see even more clearly how all of Scripture points to Jesus. The job description of the Messiah, fulfilled by Christ and Christ alone.

Friday-1 Corinthians 15.35-58: The final outgrowth of keeping the first things first—assurance to continue during difficult times. How will this chapter help encourage you in moments and seasons of weakness?

Saturday-John 14.1-4: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 28-June 3, 2023

The gift of the Holy Spirit was told by the prophets and promised by Jesus. When the Holy Spirit came into the disciples, and us at salvation, the course of their life changed. May these verses help you live in step with the Spirit.

Sunday-1 Corinthians 3.1-22: Together we are the workmanship of God. Together we are the temple of God. Together we build up and together we serve the Lord. Be in community this week with God’s people.

Monday-1 Corinthians 6.19-20: You were bought with a price. You are valuable. Live out the value of being the temple of God. Ask the Lord to show you what this may look like this week?

Tuesday-John 14.15-31: What do you learn about the Holy Spirit in this passage? The promise of Jesus is a reality for anyone who confesses Jesus as Lord.

Wednesday-Galatians 5.22-26: The fruit, singular, of the Spirit will help us fulfill the mission of proclaiming who Jesus is. Our job: keep in step with the Spirit. Pray for all believers to be in step with the Holy Spirit.

Thursday-John 20.19-23: The Holy Spirit is confirmation we are to continue the mission of Jesus: proclaiming the Gospel and forgiveness of sins. The Holy Spirit provides the power and understanding to do this mission.

Friday-Titus 3.1-11: The Holy Spirit is part of salvation and will give us renewal and rebirth. Our job is to submit to Him in all ways. We must say “no” to sin and “yes” to Him.

Saturday-2 Corinthians 4.1-6 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 21-27, 2023

Forgiveness is a process we learn and grow in during our lifetime. Part of forgiveness is remembering whose we are and who another person “belongs” to. May these verses help you be faithful to our Lord.

Sunday-Luke 20.20-26: As you read our passage again are there other elements which stick out to you? Ask God to show you this week where we “owe” Him.

Monday-Philippians 3.15-21: Our citizenship and “home” is with our Lord in heaven. This changes our path and way we live out the present. We must guard against any idol which would get in the way of having a Christ-like mindset.

Tuesday-2 Corinthians 2.5-11: The church got the need for disciplining a church member and now these are the words of Paul. What do we learn about forgiveness? How can you affirm your love for others this week?

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 3.1-15: There is coming a day when all our works will be “judged” and tested by Christ. No one “gets off the hook” when it comes to what we have said or done. Forgiveness remembers Jesus will do what is right.

Thursday-Revelation 1.4-8: We have hope because of the words of God in these verses. There is coming a time when Jesus will return and gather us to be with Him. Until then, notice what our task and role is to be.

Friday-1 Corinthians 15.12-28: Because of the resurrection we can forgive others knowing all will turn out right in the Lord. Cling to the resurrection of Jesus and the hope it provides.

Saturday-2 Corinthians 2.17-18 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 14-20, 2023

Striving to do good to others will not happen passively. Clinging to the good of forgiveness is an ongoing process. May these verses help you do good and cling to the good as we follow Jesus on the path of forgiveness.

Sunday-1 Thessalonians 5.12-22:  Paul gives some final words to this church about how to live out our faith in Christ. He reminds us to do good and cling to the good. How has Jesus been good to you? Make a list to review this week.

Monday-Romans 12.9-13: These words are similar to those found in yesterday’s devotion and remind us to cling to the good. How does forgiveness provide you with “good”? Re-affirm your desire to forgive others and how you have forgiven others.

Tuesday-Philippians 4.8-9: Peace can be the result of what we think about. As we remember how we have been forgiven and have forgiven others, we are reminded to think of good things. Commit these verses to memory.

Wednesday-Matthew 7.12: The “Golden Rule” is important in life and a reminder of the need to forgive and do good. How are you living by this rule?

Thursday-Matthew 5.43-48: Forgiving others and clinging to this helps us to love our enemies, pray for others, and to do good. We must be willing to do the hard work each week.

Friday-Proverbs 20.22: Forgiveness, and clinging to it, reminds us that God will avenge. Seeking revenge is not living out the commands of 1 Thessalonians and puts in the place of God. Cling to the good words of this verse.

Saturday-1 Thessalonians 5.23-24 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.

Living It Out This Week
May 7-13, 2023

As we work to be people of forgiveness we must be willing to allow our pasts to be redeemed. We must remember differently. May these verses help you this week.

Sunday-Genesis 45.1-15:  Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and gives them forgiveness and assurances. How can you be like Joseph this week? Where do you need to see God’s faithfulness because of your past?

Monday-Genesis 50.15-21:  The path of forgiveness will mean we must reassure ourselves and others of what has happened. Where is God, and others, reassuring you of forgiveness? May you give grace this day.

Tuesday-Acts 7.1-10:  Stephen uses the Joseph story as a reminder to the people of God’s faithfulness and who Jesus is. Meditate on how God has been with you in past traumas and pains.

Wednesday-Acts 7.54-8.1:  Stephen’s sermon got him stoned by the members of the Sanhedrin. Yet, notice his final words: words of forgiveness. How can looking at Jesus help you and I be like Stephen?

Thursday-Colossians 1.21-23:  We were once separated from God but now because of Christ we are in the family. We must allow God to redeem who we were and make Christ our identity. How does this help us remember differently?

Friday-Romans 8.1-17:  Sometimes we condemn ourselves because what was or was not done. However, notice the promise of verse 1. Where do you need to lay down condemnation and accept being a child of God?

Saturday-Romans 8.28-34 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
April 30-May 6, 2023

Forgiveness is hard work. Forgiveness goes against our desire for self-promotion and focusing on our pain. Yet, this is the way of Jesus. May these verses help you as you seek to be a person who forgives, regardless of how long it takes.

Sunday-Luke 10.25-37:  Notice this story and the lead up to it. How are you and I like the characters in the story? How can we “pass by” those we need to forgive? Where as another person shown you mercy and love? Ask God to give you a heart of mercy and empathy.

Monday-Colossians 3.12-14:  A list of traits we need to put on each day. The command to forgive as Christ forgave us is only possible if we see who we are in Christ. How do you believe Christ sees you?

Tuesday-Matthew 18.21-35:  The story Jesus tells is meant to answer the question: how often should we forgive? What stands out in the story and the answer? Pray for God to help you have a heart of understanding.

Wednesday-Luke 6.27-36:  Love is powerful. Love helps us to be like Jesus and recognize our calling. Jesus was the example of all he taught, including loving his enemies.

Thursday-Ephesians 4.29-5.2:  We are to follow the example of Christ. This example will be one of compassion, grace, love, justice, truth, mercy and forgiveness. Which trait is hardest for you? What do you need to get rid of in your life?

Friday-Philippians 2.1-4:  If we want to forgive we must have humility. Forgiveness is other focused and thus humility is needed. Pray for humility! Pray to be like Jesus.

Saturday-Genesis 45.1-15 Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
April 9-15, 2023

The Resurrection of Christ is the historical event which solidifies our hope, forgiveness, and future. We do not deserve what Christ did for us, but we can live out a grateful life in response. May these verses help you as you live out the Resurrection this week.

Sunday-Luke 23.32-43: The offer of forgiveness by Christ is still so powerful. Listen to the words of hope provided to the criminal on the cross. Where do you need hope? How is Jesus changing you because of His death and resurrection?

Monday-1 Corinthians 15.1-11: Of first importance. Essential. Primary. The Resurrection of Jesus is that important. May you live this day in confidence Jesus is alive.

Tuesday-1 Corinthians 15.12-34: Notice what Paul goes on to say: if Jesus is still dead, we are hopeless. What else do you notice in these verses? We have hope not just for the future but also for today.

Wednesday-1 Corinthians 15.35-58: The resurrection of Jesus also guarantees our own changing at death of when Jesus returns. Because Jesus lives we too will live. We are victorious because of Christ!

Thursday-Luke 24.1-12: The Resurrection of Jesus may sound like nonsense or unbelievable but we must never forget its importance and power. This is the message we preach: Christ crucified and resurrected! That is the power of the cross.

Friday-Luke 24.36-49: Jesus still bears the marks of the cross even though we have been forgiven. All of Scripture points to Jesus and Easter. May you continue to stand on Jesus.

Saturday-Matthew 6.9-15: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
April 2-8, 2023

This week is Holy Week and comes with it a time of great reflection and anticipation of Easter. This year may the words of Christ on the cross hep guide you into the sweet moments of prayer. May you grow as you let these words of Jesus our Lord live, grow and bear fruit in your life.

Sunday-John 19.25-27: As you hear these words, what comes to mind? What strikes you as important and necessary for you to hear? Jesus on the cross was not focused on his pain but was willing and able to provide for others pain.

Monday-John 19.28-29: Jesus fully God and fully man shows us the power of being obedient in all ways. A simple request, but at times we too must admit we are thirsty.

Tuesday-Matthew 27.45-46: Let these words resonate and ring in your head, heart and soul. We cannot adequately describe what Jesus is going through, on our behalf, but in His pain He quoted scripture; Psalm 22.

Wednesday-Luke 23.32-34: The words of forgiveness offered to those who killed him. The words of forgiveness offered to anyone who would receive them. Where do you need to receive and give forgiveness?

Thursday-Luke 23.40-43: One man realized Jesus was no ordinary criminal. By God’s grace he realized Jesus did not deserve the fate he did. Yet, hear these words of promise. The promise is for you as well in Christ.

Friday-Luke 23.44-46: Who do you commit your spirit to? Who has final authority on your life? May all of us follow the way of Jesus and commit ourselves to the Father of all.

Saturday-John 19.30: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
March 26-April 1, 2023

The end is near! Sometimes we hear this and just shrug it off. Other times we may become obsessed with the events. Regardless, Scripture reminds us to be patient as we actively wait for Jesus’ second coming. May these verses help you grow in patience as we wait for His return.

Sunday-James 5.7-11: Anything stick out to you form today’s message or these verses? Patience will help us grow into spiritual maturity. Where is God showing you patience?

Monday-Matthew 24.1-35: A long passage but one needed to remind us to wait patiently for the Lord. Notice how Jesus reminds us to not be alarmed by what others say but be ready for his quick return. What hope has Jesus given you?

Tuesday-Matthew 24.36-51: We may see signs of the end but we must remember no one knows the exact time. Waiting does not mean inactive, it means be about the business of the Kingdom of God.

Wednesday-Matthew 24.31-46: As we wait for the Lord’s return we go about serving others, loving God and loving others. How can we do this as a church, families and individuals?

Thursday-1 Thessalonians 5.1-11: Paul is encouraging the early church to know some certain truths about the Lord’s coming; what are they? How can these help us persevere in our faith?

Friday-Revelation 21.1-8: A glimpse of the end of time. A glimpse to help us know soon we will live with God. This after all is the full hope of mankind—to live with our maker.

Saturday-James 5.12-19: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
March 19-25, 2023

Life is fragile, a risk, temporary and short. As followers of Jesus we must be sure our life is built upon His foundation and nothing other. As we seek to live out His Word, Scripture, may we allow these verses to instruct, encouraged, challenge and give us true life.

Sunday-James 4.11-5.6: Tomorrow is not granted to us. We must learn to rest solely on Christ and His Word. How will these verses challenge you this week?

Monday-Luke 16.19-31: If we are not careful we will end up having a similar attitude as the rich man of this parable. We must allow Scripture to pierce our hearts and cause us to repent. What else strikes you from these verses?

Tuesday-Luke 12.16-21: The contrast between storing up wealth and using wealth to be rich towards God. What would being rich towards God look like? How will you be rich in this way?

Wednesday-Luke 12.22-34: For Jesus, and James, the issue is how our possessions can bend our heart towards sin and away from God. The issue is and will never be the “stuff” but how we allow the “stuff” to replace the firm foundation of Christ.

Thursday-Luke 6.17-26: The reversal of the Kingdom of God against the kingdom of this world. What blessings and woes stick out to you?

Friday-Proverbs 27.1: Wise words from Solomon which influenced James, and others. How can you live this out? What does this mean to you?

Saturday-James 5.7-12: Join us in worship tomorrow! Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
March 12-18, 2023

Drawing near to God requires not purity but humility. When we draw near there is a promise of Him drawing near to us, as well. May these verses help you draw near to God experiencing repentance, forgiveness, grace, and God’s presence.

Sunday-James 4.1-10: Notice the promise tucked in these verses. The challenge is for you and I to live out a friendship with God in a practical way. God desires us, all of us.

Monday-Luke 15.11-32: Which part of this story of Jesus sticks out to you? Which son do you most naturally relate with? The truth is Jesus offers forgiveness to all and is actively seeking those who turning towards him. How has God ran towards you?

Tuesday-Luke 16.13-15: Divided loyalty is no loyalty. We must be careful to not have our faith in Jesus become divided by becoming entrenched in the values of this world. Pray for the resolve to serve Christ first and foremost in all things!

Wednesday-Proverbs 3.34-35: James quotes this verse in chapter 4. Look at the surrounding verses: what do you see? Notice the commands in verses 3 and 5-7.

Thursday-Acts 17.16-34: All are called to repent. You, me, our leaders, our children, the whole world. We, as God’s people, can show the world how to do this. What does repentance look like?

Friday-1 Peter 5.6-11: Peter and James say very much the same thing. Humility and submission to God is possible because of the grace of Jesus. Rest in Jesus’ grace today.

Saturday-James 4.11-17: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
March 5-11, 2023

Wisdom is available to all who ask. Wisdom sows righteousness and reaps righteousness. May these verses hep you understand and sow the wisdom of God this week.

Sunday-James 3.12-18: Wisdom produces the true peace, shalom, of God. What are the traits of peace in this passage? How will you cultivate these traits this week?

Monday-James 1.2-8: If we ask for wisdom, which we need, God will give us the wisdom we need. Notice the similarities in this passage with the one yesterday. What is our task when we ask the Lord for wisdom? Spend some time asking for wisdom today.

Tuesday-Proverbs 1.1-7: Verse 7 is a great reminder of our place in this world; we are not God. A healthy fear is a reminder of our status, which in turn opens us up to learning wisdom. Humility is needed to grow. Meekness is needed to learn.

Wednesday-Philippians 3.1-11: Paul has a great list of attributes and “wisdom” from experience. Yet, he does not put his hope in these things, anymore. How are you like Paul?

Thursday-Philippians 3.12-14: We must let go of many things in order to pursue the goal of Christ. We must press on and press forward in faith, wisdom and love!

Friday-1 Peter 2.11-12: Our way of life must be such that the “fruit” of our faith would cause others, our enemies, to see the glory of God one day. We live in a counter-cultural but good way for the glory of God.

Saturday-James 4.1-10: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
February 26-March  4, 2023
Our tongues may be one of the smallest parts of the body but it is also one of the most powerful. By our mouths we can heal and tear down relationships and individuals. As followers of Jesus we must guard our tongues.

Sunday-James 3.1-12: Which one of the analogies stick with you today? Which one is the hardest for you to understand? Spend some time reflecting on the Word of God and how you will live it out with your speech this week.

Monday-Psalm 12.1-8: A comparison of the Lord’s words versus ours reveals how much we lack wisdom. How can we boast by what we say? In what ways does our boasting put us in the place of God?

Tuesday-Matthew 12.22-37: Jesus has a lot to say about the words we use and what makes us “unclean”. Notice the connection between speech and character. May we pray for help in being people of character.

Wednesday-Numbers 20.1-13: Being a leader is not easy nor full of glory. Leaders are held to a higher standard as this passage reveals. Pray for those in leadership.

Thursday-Psalm 141.1-10: Notice the prayer of verse 3. We need help to not start a wildfire by one careless word. How can you put a guard at your mouth?

Friday-Luke 6.27-36: Some tough words which go against what we “normally” want to do: be kind to those who are unkind to us. This is the power of the Gospel. Instead of being people who curse others may we seek to bless them in many ways, just as Jesus has blessed us.

Saturday-James 3.12-18: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week 
February 19-25, 2023
Mental ascent! Right thoughts! Feeding others! Loving those who are in need! Which of these is the task of the Christian? The answer is all of the above. To be Christian is to integrate what we think and what we do into “one” as Christ is one. The call of Christ is one of repentance and obedience.

Sunday-James 2.14-26: How is the Lord challenging you to make sure your faith is a faith that works? Where is your faith growing in ways that new fruit is blooming?

Monday-Luke 6.43-45: We know a tree by what it produces. So too is the result of a person in Christ; we produce fruit consistent with our heart change. Allow Christ to give you a new heart.

Tuesday-Romans 3.21-31: Faith in Christ Jesus matters! We are saved by faith alone but never at the exclusion of living out this faith. Paul rightly reminds us where our hope is.

Wednesday-John 15.1-17: As we start Lent, today, may you be reminded of sticking to Jesus like a vine to a branch. We only produce fruit because of the grace of Jesus and His power.

Thursday-Hebrews 11.1-31: Faith in action is a faith that saves. Look at this list and notice how the belief in God made a difference. Now go and do the same.

Friday-Ephesians 2.8-10 & Galatians 5.6: We all must respond to grace. How we responds determines whether we “understand” grace. Notice Paul is not opposed to “works” but reminds us we are to “do something” because of grace. Paul and James agree: our faith is active!

Saturday-James 3.1-12: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
February 12-18, 2023

How do we judge other people’s worthiness? What makes you a “worthy person”? The reality is our world has many ways to answer these questions, but Christ has a different way. May these verses help you experience and give mercy.

Sunday-James 2.1-13: If we are not careful the way the world separates people will creep into our life and churches. Notice what James says in this passage. What sticks out to you? What role will you have mercy play this week?

Monday-Leviticus 19.9-18: The refrain, “I am the Lord” serves as a reminder and encouragement. The OT was filled with reminders of mercy the nation was expected to show. What ways are these verses needed today?

Tuesday-Mark 12.28-24: We all want to do the most important things. We want the best “bang for our buck” as the expression goes. What does Jesus say here? Notice how James connects this verse with mercy and favoritism.

Wednesday-Matthew 25.31-46: In your words what is the difference between the “sheep” and the “goats”? We must notice the needs around us. What needs do you notice?

Thursday-Matthew 19.16-30: There is nothing wrong with wealth unless, or until, it gets in the way of loving Jesus. Notice the paradox Jesus is teaching here.  

Friday-Matthew 6.25-34: The world can influence us in ways we start to worry about many things. They may be good things but not the things Jesus would have us “worry” about. What are the promises in these verses? How would your life be different if these verses were applied?

Saturday-James 2.14-26: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week 
February 5-11, 2023
There are many types of learning but regardless we must put to practice what we learn. God’s people don’t just hear the Word and we must live it out. May these verses help you live out God’s Word with grace, compassion and love.
Sunday-James 1.19-27: What do you “hear” in this passage? What did you “hear” in the sermon? Now the hard task of doing what was heard. Spend a few minutes planning how you will live out the love of Jesus this week.
Monday-Luke 8.1-15: Which soil are you today? What type of soil are those you interact with? Ask for discernment to know the truth. As you start your week may you be the “good soil” and allow the great Gardener sow into your life?
Tuesday-Amos 5.1-17: The prophet was concerned with how the nation lived out their “choseness” of God; not just where they went to worship. We must be careful to not let outward acts of worship be a substitute for a heart and life of worship.
Wednesday-Matthew 12.33-37: Jesus gives us a hard statement about words. Our speech reveals a lot about what is going on inside. What do your words reveal?
Thursday-Isaiah1.10-20: Right worship is not what is done on Sunday but what is done throughout the week: justice, compassion, grace, and truth. There is a reward: the good things of God.
Friday-Ephesians 4.20-5.2: We are made new in Christ, which  means new living. What is the Spirit telling you to take off? Put on? Reflect on how you showed the way of love this week? Where do you want to show it next week?
Saturday-James 2.1-13: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
January 29-February 4, 2023

We are capable of good, yes. But we are capable of great evil. Our present world, and history, shows us this truth. Sin comes not from outside but from what is on the inside. May these verses help guard you against sin this week.

Sunday-James 1.13-18: There is good news among the troubling truth of sin being in us. We must guard against allowing our hearts lead us astray. One solution—focus on the giver of all good gifts. How will you focus on Jesus this week?

Monday-Mathew 15.1-20: Jesus has some tough words for the leaders of his day, and us today. Where does Jesus say sin comes from? What solution does he give? May Jesus have your heart this week.

Tuesday-Psalm 51.1-19: David gives us a glimpse at how he dealt with sin—by going to the Lord. He asks for cleansing from the sin within and without. Pray a prayer asking for cleansing from sin this day.

Wednesday-John 1.1-14: Jesus is full of grace and truth; just what we need. We need his truth to see things from his point of view. We need His eyes!

Thursday-1 Corinthians 10.11-13: God is faithful! Even in our temptation and struggles with evil desires God provides. Take time to notice how God has provided in your past struggles.

Friday-1 Corinthians 3.10-15: God rewards us for being faithful and obeying him. This is not a bribe to do something but a gift for bringing Him joy. How we live matters to God, and our world.

Saturday-James 1.19-27: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
January 22-28, 2023
Perseverance is hard work. It requires us to accurately look at our past, present, and future. Perseverance is the mark of a true believer. May these verses help you see the future in a way which gives you strength to keep going.

Sunday-James 1.9-12: James continues to set up the rest of his book with these verses. Who are those in your life who have been faithful? What does perseverance and faithfulness mean to you?

Monday-1 Corinthians 9.24-25: Paul reminds us to be fervent in this race of faith. We cannot lose sight of what our task is. Pray to God asking for strength to run the race.

Tuesday-Matthew 6.1-4: God notices what we do. God will give a reward for being faithful. We must guard against being notice on Earth because God rewards differently.

Wednesday-Matthew 25.31-46: Jesus taught this story to reveal what the Kingdom of God is really like. How when He comes back there will be changes. What do you notice in these verses? How does that change our outlook this week?

Thursday-Matthew 6.19-24: The place of our treasures reveals the place of our comfort and reward. Jesus wants us to remember where our true home is and work towards a treasure which cannot be spoiled. How do you store up eternal treasures?

Friday-Revelation 2.8-11: Perseverance is noticed by God. In the midst of great trials our true value, and “richness”, can be revealed to ourselves and others. God will reward faithfulness.

Saturday-James 1.13-18: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to be with you in church.

Living It Out This Week
January 15-21, 2023

Sometimes we just want to throw our hands up and quit! Other times we just want life to be easy. But both options are not realistic; we are called to persevere and become mature. May these verses help you continue the face of the faith.

Sunday-James 1.2-8: How can these verses serve as an anchor this week? James wants to motivate us to action in our faith; how will you show your faith this week?

Monday-Matthew 5.3-12: Jesus is teaching about the attitude of the kingdom. Which is easiest for you? Hardest? Slowly read the verses again and let them start to sink in.

Tuesday-Matthew 7.7-12: Our view of God will determine our prayers. Notice the last couple prayers you have prayed; what observations can you make? What does this say about your view of God?

Wednesday-John 14.25-31: Notice what the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, will do for believers. We are not so much to seek wisdom in general as we are to seek the Holy Spirit who is the ultimate teacher and reminder.

Thursday-Hebrews 12.1-3: An interesting phrase, “for the joy set before Him He endured the cross”. The cross was not a “fun” time for Jesus yet it was something which produced joy. So to, James tells us, are trial in the life of the believer. May we have joy this week.

Friday-Proverbs 4.7-9: We must seek wisdom from God like it is the most important thing we can “get”, for it is. How have you sought wisdom this past week? Where will you seek wisdom this coming week?

Saturday-James 1.9-18: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone.

Living It Out This Week
January 8-14, 2023

Our faith is practical, ethical and deep. The book of James will help us to see our struggles and the challenges facing believers. Yet, it will also help us to be faithful to Jesus!

Sunday-James 1.1: Notice the two different titles again used in this opening verse: slave/servant and 12 tribes. Both are significant only because of who Jesus is. This week focus on Jesus.

Monday-1 Peter 1.1-2: What sticks out in these verses to you? Do you notice your worth from what Peter states to be true? What does obedience and sanctification look like to you this week?

Tuesday-Philippians 1.1-2: In Christ we are holy, that is our standing. Yet, we admit sometimes we do not act holy, there is a disconnect. Pray for willingness to submit to the Holy Spirit in being holy this week. Ask for forgiveness for unholiness.

Wednesday-Jude 1-2: The themes of mercy, peace and love are critical to how we live out our faith. Where do you see these in our church? World? Your family and relationships? How can you extend mercy, peace and love this week?

Thursday-Titus 1.1-4: Paul gives us a great opening which is to not just be true for him but all believers. Notice the character of God in these verses? How does this help you be faithful?

Friday-1 Timothy 1.1-2: Who are you passing on the faith to? Who is the next generation you are training in the Lord? May we have true sons and daughters in the faith!

Saturday-James 1.2-12: Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone.

Living It Out This Week
December 25-31, 2022

Merry Christmas!!! The day has finally arrived and we can celebrate. The work is done, Jesus has come. May this Christmas day remind you of how much you are loved by the Creator! May these passages bless you heart as we live out Christmas each day.

Sunday-Luke 2.22-35: Simeon’s waiting was finally over. The Spirit of God revealed to him who Jesus was. What sticks out to you in these verses? How can you be like Simeon?

Monday-Luke 2.36-40: Anna spent her time in the presence of God in the temple. Redemption brings to mind many thoughts and emotions; what are yours? You have been redeemed by Jesus Christ the Lord!

Tuesday-Galatians 4.4-7: Our timing is not always great. However, the Lord’s timing is always perfect. How does knowing at the “set time” Christ came help you have confidence in the Lord? In what area do you need to trust the Lord’s timing?

Wednesday-Isaiah 6.1-13: There is much in this passage to consider; what sticks out for you this week? For me, there is the confession of Isaiah, the cleansing of Isaiah and the commissioning of Isaiah. My prayer is I respond as he did.

Thursday-Romans 10.14-21: We are sent ones and we must proclaim the message of Christ. It isn’t our story but God’s story through us we tell.

Friday-Matthew 28.16-20: The mission is to tell the story of Jesus. But first we must believe it and live it. Go and tell!

Saturday-John 1.1-18: God is here. We have no fear because Jesus is with us! Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone.

Living It Out This Week
December 18-24, 2022
It is Christmas week! Advent is drawing to a close and we are left hustling to finish our lists, and check them twice. However, now more than ever, we need to slow down and let the Word of God saturate us in love.

Sunday-1 John 4.1-21: Love is a very powerful action. The character of God is love! Love is not just a concept to understand but an action to live out. How will you love others this week?

Monday-Matthew 1.1-17: The genealogy of Jesus is important, helping to tie the Old and New Testaments together. What names stick out in this list? Where do you notice love in these names?

Tuesday-Luke 1.5-25: Jesus would have a forerunner, like the prophet Elijah, because this is what God said would take place. Notice how God’s love compels him to choose those the world may have forgotten. Notice the power of love when given to others.

Wednesday-Matthew 1.18-25: Love will have us not do what we may be “allowed” to do because of our love for another. How does Joseph show us God’s love?  

Thursday-Luke 2.1-21: Love was born in the most simple and unannounced way. Yet, no other baby had angels declare His birth. When God moves all of creation notices.  

Friday-Matthew 2.1-12: Magi from afar come to pay tribute to Jesus, the rightful King of all. Love and hatred magnify these verses and our lives. How will you show love?

Saturday-John 1.1-18: God is here. Love has won. Darkness cannot overcome it; light wins! Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone.

Living It Out This Week 
December 11-17, 2022
The third Sunday in Advent marks the lighting of the “joy candle”. We are reminded of joy on this Sunday. The joy of the fulfillment of prophecy and of our salvation. May these verses give you joy this week as we travel to Christmas.

Sunday-Mark 1.1-8: 
How can these verses help us stay in the joy of Christmas? Notice the promise John preaches concerning “us” those who are in Christ now? May you do the will of God and learn the joy of repentance.

Monday-Malachi 3.1-2; 4-6: 
The last words of the Old Testament as we know it. Then the Biblical record goes “silent”. The joy of the coming of the Lord would be delayed until the right time. Yet, where can we find joy in these verses? Where is there hope?

Tuesday-Isaiah 40.1-11: 
The prophecy which is quoted by Mark, and others, in the NT is found here. What portions stick out to you this week? Where do you need here these words of Jesus?

Wednesday-Isaiah 40.12-31: 
Maybe this Christmas you need some “help” getting into it, or completing the tasks. Remember the Lord is always ready to help His people.

Thursday-John 1.19-28: 
John the Baptist makes it known he is not the Messiah, he is only trying to make straight paths for people to get to him. How can we be similar?

Friday-John 1.29-34: 
Notice the powerful words of the Baptizer in verses 29 & 34. May this be our message as well this Christmas. May you know God’s Chosen One!

Saturday-Isaiah 9.2: 
Pray for our Advent series on Light that we would allow the Light of Jesus to penetrate all of life. Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone.

Living It Out This Week
December 4-10, 2022

Advent is a journey filled with hope. Advent is a journey where peace is found in that Jesus is coming back. We are called to be prepared and wise in how we live. May these verses give you hope and peace this week.

Sunday-Matthew 25.1-13: Just like his first coming, we are unaware of when Jesus’ second coming will take place. Our task is to be prepared. Jesus wants faithfulness to His mission from us this day.

Monday-2 Timothy 2.11-19: The beauty is the Lord knows who are His. See the requirement is to confess Him as Lord and live for Him. Yet, notice how Paul says we can be different, in how we speak. Stand firm Jesus is coming!

Tuesday-Isaiah 54.1-10: What do you notice about the Lord’s heart for His people? The Church is the Bride of Christ and He will remain faithful in His love towards us. How does this give peace?

Wednesday-Matthew 7.24-27: Wisdom and being known by Christ means we will live differently. We will obey His commands. How are you living out Jesus commands?

Thursday-Matthew 25.31-46: This story gives us a hint at what it means to follow Jesus’ commands. It is descriptive of the work of the Church. Jesus notices what we do!

Friday-Matthew 25.14-30: Joy is a gift of advent and our Savior. Yes, we are to work while we wait but we know He is coming back. How can these verses help us remain faithful?

Saturday-Isaiah 9.2: Pray for our Advent series on Light that we would allow the Light of Jesus to penetrate all of life. Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.
Living It Out This Week
November 27-December 3, 2022

Advent is upon us and we are eagerly looking forward with anticipation what may come. However, it is easy to let darkness consume us. May these verses help you live out the hope and light we have because of Jesus.

Sunday-Exodus 13.17-22: As you re-read the passage from this morning, and maybe read the context around it, what sticks out? Where do you need the light of Jesus to guide you?

Monday-Deuteronomy 7.7-11: God chose Israel because of grace. All the events of Exodus needs to be filtered through the lens of grace. Where have you seen grace lately?

Tuesday-Exodus 14.1-31: The rest of the story is already getting complicated. We must remember God is leading and our job is to follow. Where do you need to follow Jesus?

Wednesday-Matthew 2.1-12: The star of Christmas appears and guides people to Jesus. Magi come having been drawn by the light to worship. Take a moment to reflect on worship and what it means to worship the Lord.

Thursday-Matthew 2.13-18: Even in darkness God is leading. Mary, Joseph and Jesus head to Egypt to get away from Herod and a new Exodus is brewing.

Friday-Matthew 25.1-13: Our passage for Sunday as we learn to keep vigil, to wait and watch for Jesus to return. We celebrate the first advent as we await His second advent.

Saturday-Isaiah 9.2: Pray for our Advent series on Light that we would allow the Light of Jesus to penetrate all of life. Join us in worship tomorrow!  Pray for our worship tomorrow. Pray that our eyes would see the Lord! Invite someone to church.