Hosanna-Save Us!
It is Palm Sunday and Jesus comes into Jerusalem for the final time. Yet, in the midst of the celebration have we tamed the account so much we fail to truly hear what our we are saying? Why did Jesus come in the way he did? What importance does Palm Sunday have for us in 2024? As we enter Holy Week and the triumph of Easter may we allow ourselves to continue to be challenged by God's Word.
To view a digital bulletin please go here:https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/ZSGBBT/_source/fdfa5d0f-1ac0-42f9-b606-9d3466b8cf03/document.pdf
To view an outline of the message and the weekly devotions outside of our app please go here: https://notes.subsplash.com/fill-in/view?page=HJtKd56AT
CCLI licenses: 737358 and 21047115 cover the use of music though we do not own the rights to any.